A way out

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Hey guys i hope 2016 is all being good to you, happy new year!. This year it is my plan to finish this book and if i don't i will cry, a lot. But anyways i hope this chapter will be good as it is the first update of the new year WOOOO! make sure you like and comment because i love reading everyone's comments and please enjoy.

Timeskip-1 month later

~Midnight's POV~

I sighed as i looked around the marketplace, it was early Saturday morning so all the shopping chaos hasn't occurred yet. 

knowing from shopping with Angel, you don't want to get into the promenade of clothes scattered everywhere  and people fighting...i remember that black Friday like it was yesterday. 

Shuddering the thought off i continued walking down the streets, there wasn't lots of people but there was a lot either. That's good because if a lot of people see me i might be noticed as Midnight of the oracion seis...

moving my hood more to cover my eyes i went over to the stall with bananas and fruit on it. "Good morning sir, what can i help you with?" The woman behind the stall said to me, i gave her a small smile and pointed towards the bananas. "Could i purchase a dozen of those bananas if its no trouble"

"Of course" she said as she places 12 bananas into a plastic bag."You know, this is your 10th time coming to my stall this month to buy bananas. are you a chef?" i looked down at the woman with a small smile. "No its just, my room mate loves banana pancakes and i make them for her everyday" i said as i handed her the jouels.

Over a month Lucy finally had gotten used to me, every morning she demanded banana pancakes. We actually act like friends, which makes me happy. She doesn't think off me as criminal anymore...

I hope.

"Well tell your friend that too much banana will upset her stomach" she says as she places two extra  bananas into the plastic bag, i look at the woman in shock as she has her eyes closed, a small smile spread across her features. "Ms this is too kind" i said still looking at the bag.

I hand her the money for the extra bananas but she help up her hand, "no no, i don't want that money, take them as a kind gesture to the new year. But i would love to try out those pancakes mister"

"Of course" I said nodding my heads and turning around in the direction of the woods to my house. Waving behind me i continued on my journey. Its only an hour walk, and when i headed out Lucy was asleep so im not keeping her waiting. I might even stop by at an old friends...

~Lucy's POV~

I sat at the kitchen table impatiently waiting for Midnight to come home. Sighing i looked down at my grumbling stomach. Midnight went out to get groceries an hour ago, i pretended i was asleep when he left because i wanted to scare him when he came home but im too tired for that.

Over the month i had finally accepted that im going to be here until i can get my keys, i opened up to Midnight, i actually gave him a nickname too, sometimes he calls me Blondie and I call him Middy. Childish I know, but he is actually a little child on the inside, he is not as evil as I thought.

He told me about his past, he used to come from a really rich Family, I think my Dad was once with buissness with his father, but then he was kidnapped to the tower of heaven, and Brain was the only once nice to him. Thats why did those things in the Oracion Seis.

He thought Brain wouldnt be nice to him anymore if he didnt. He even called him father.

I rested my head on my hand, im so bored now. I stood up from my seat and had a little stroll around the house, walking up the stairs, admiring the painting. i was about to go into my room but the black door across from mine caught my eye. 

Midnights room!

Be being the curous woman i am i went over to the door and pressed my ear against it, just in case. Ive never been in there before what is theres like a monster of some kind in side guarding it so i wont go in!

After a minute of hearing nothing but pure silence i turned the knob on the door, surprised it wasn't locked. opening the door I seen that the room was very dark, one word to describe his room.


Black bedsheets, black curtains, nearly everything was black, only the occasional red. What caught my eye was a safe, its colour was...blacker than black if thats possible. It was a purple glow radiating off of it, a spell casted on every side. a countdown on the top.

Thats where my keys must be.

Running over I pressed my ear as close as i could, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Guys can you here me?"


"llllluuueee" i heard a muffle from inside the chest, It tried to say Lucy! shaking the chest i pressed my ear against it.

"Lucy!" i could hear it perfectly now, my magic energy suddenly went up. "Lucy its Loke are you okay?"

"Yes! Yes i'm okay"I said tears streaming down my face. theyre safe, theyre okay!

"Princess we know where you are!" a voice said from the chest. 


"When you were unconscious we seen everything, i remember Midnights passed a town called Danville"

Danville..... it sounds familiar. i think i don't a mission in Danville once or twice. Its somewhere near Crocus, its like an hours walk.

 Maybe thats why Sting and Rogue picked up my scent because i'm near crocus.The Grand magic games are in a month too, if Fairy Tail is entering then they might be able to pick up my scent too.

I might be able to get out of here

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