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Lucy stood behind the curtain in anticipation, Midnight is about to open the door any minute. she seen him walk up the path. 

"Lucy i'm home" Midnight said closing the door after himself. "Lucy?" Midnight said again after he didnt get a response. Lucy had to hide back a giggle as he walked around the kitchen looking for her, when she was hiding in the living room, behind the curtains.

"Come on Blondie where are you?" he said while walking into the living room.

"I got bananas for your bancakes" he teased. Lucy had an evil glint in her eye, yesssss more banana pancakes.

"I wont make them for you if you dont come out y'know" lucy really wanted that food, he makes the best in all of Fiore in her opinion. Lucy sprung out of the curtain, jumping onto the dark mages back."Gimme pancakes" she screamed.

Midnight was suprised when he felt the busty blonde jump onto his back, the impact was so tense he fell onto the ground, Lucy falling on him. Midnight was sprawled across the floor with the grocery's on the floor too, Lucy basically straddling his back.

"hehe bet you didnt see that coming" she said whilst climbing off of him. "You-You..." he breathed.

"Crushed the bananas..."

Lucys eyes widened, no no no no no no, she doesnt want him going out again. she gets lonely when he isn't is around, she wanted to eat pancakes with him like every morning. "Can you still make bancakes" she said while looking at the bananas.

There was around a dozen on the floor, crushed by Midnight and herself, all the mush on the ground and on themselves"No they're too dirty now"

"Sorry, I'll stick on some tea" she said while walking to the kitchen.

she felt bad.

she really did.

he just walked an hour to a town to get bananas and walked another hour to get back home, only for him to be attacked by someone and have those precious bananas crushed.

Lucy took the steel kettle into hand and filled it 2/4 of fresh water and put it on boil. Lucy felt a tap on her shoulder suddenly and she turned around to face the dark haired male. 

Lucy had to put her hand over her mouth to contain her giggled, Midnight's hair had crushed bananas in it, and there was some on his clothes too. "Oh god" she mumbled into her hands but she couldnt take it, she burst out laughing. "PPFFTT HAHAHAH"

"Its not funny" he groaned and she playfully punched his shoulder. "Oh god your covered in it, your like the emo version of bananas in pyjamas" 

Midnight didn't look amused. "Speak for yourself you have banana on your clothes and face too" he mumbled with him arms crossed putting on a pretend pout.

"I do? Where?"

"On your cheek and forehead" he said while picking up a cloth to wipe his face.

Lucy swiped her hands over her forehead getting the banana off, it felt slimey, like touching a fish.

"Here you missed a spot" midnight said while grabbing her chin, Lucy's breath hitched as his lips were nearly touching hers and she was a tiny(kinda big) bit tempted to close the gap between them.

Midnight swiped his thumb across her face and inwardly smirked as he could see that she was flustered by their closeness. This is what he planned, make her want him.

"T-thanks" Lucy stuttered as he stepped back.

Oh Fuck it

"Y-you still have some on your face too" she said, her heard pounding. "I do? Where" midnight said and Lucy took a step closer to him and grabbed the sides of his face, placing her lips on his.

The feel of Midnight's lips pressed against his own was something that Lucy couldn't even begin to describe. The kiss started out slow, allowing the two to get adjusted to the feel of each other's soft lips. After a few moments,Midnight slipped his tongue out to timidly swipe it against Lucy's lips.

Lucy wouldn't have expected Midnight to be such a good kisser, but Lucy likes surprises. Lucy encouraged his intrusion and let out a small moan as she felt Midnight's cold fingers snake around her bare waist. In her dismay it was a good day to wear a crop top.

Midnight was just in shock, the girl of his dreams was kissing him, kissing him against her will! he couldn't help a heat build up in his stomach. The sound of their kissing almost made him lightheaded but he couldn't care, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss

Lucy tangled her fingers in his black hair, still kind of feeling some banana but she couldn't care less and experimently pulled Midnight closer making him moan into her mouth.

That was so hot!!! Lucy thought.

Midnight moved his hands from the blondes hips and let them travel down to her plush behind and groaned at how the flesh felt in his hands. Lucy whimpered at the sensation and opened her eyes to look at Midnight. 

"lucy?" Midnight said curiously and Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Lucy you there?" midnight said and Lucy giggled. 

whats going on


"GAH" Lucy said openeing her eyes, her head was pounding, Midnight leaning over her shining a torch into face. "Good your awake, never thought you'd wake" Midnight breathed out.

"You were unconsious for a minute or two" Midnight chuckled.

That was a dream???? it felt so real

"w-what happened" Lucy said groaning as she sat up. "Well i came through the door with he groceries and you shouted GIMME PANCAKES, jumped up into the air and fell on the ground" he chuckled.

'I thought i jumped on him and we both fell down!!!!!'


"Is the bananas okay" she enquired making him laugh and help her onto her feet.

"Yeah, come on, i'll make breakfeast"

what a strange dream indeed

sorry for the slow updates, i just had a full 2 weeks of exams and  i am exhausted. i bet someone wants to kill me for this teasing chapter hehe! sorry not sorry

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