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~Lucy's POV~

When I woke up the next morning I felt more satisfied than I had in the past month, I slept well because of my full stomach and Plue visited me throughout the night to give me cuddles.

Its nothing compared to Natsu's warmth when he sneaks in beside me. As much as I say i hate it, I truthfully don't, he gives me more warmth than 20 blankets combined.

And I know what you all might be thinking but no, I don't like Natsu in that way. I did have a small crush on him when I first joined Fairy tail, but can you blame me. He was shirtless the first time I met him and  he brought me to my dream guild.

I can't help my mind to wonder off towards Fairy tail, are they actually looking for me?, its been a month so they must have realised that I haven't made an appearance at the guild.

Sitting up and raising my arms above my head, I stretched out all them muscles and give out a small mewl, honestly that was a really nice sleep.

While I stretched I noticed that there was a smell, a really  nice smell. By instinct (Natsu's habit rubbed off on me) I raised my nose into the air and inhaled smelling something nicer than Mira's cooking (sorry Mira).

Banana pancakes!

I'm surprised I guessed it so accurately, Natsu taught me well.

I wanted to rush out the door and invade the kitchen but I knew that is what Midnight would want me to do but my current mood is still 'I'm staying in this room until you give me my keys'. But damn, Midnight sure knows how to made delicious smelling pancakes.

Banana pancakes, banana, pancakes, put it together and what do you get...BANCAKES!!!!

As I was thinking about bancake heaven I heard a small knock on the door, it still brought me out of my thoughts. And to make everything worse, the heavenly scent of bancakes was outside my door.

"Hey Lucy, I have to go to the market to get ingredients for tonight's dinner and I made you some breakfast, its banana pancakes"

I knew that, and they're not called 'banana pancakes' its bancakes. Jeez get it right.

"I don't really like bananas so it would be a shame if this food went to waste, I really hope you eat it."

I made a 'tch' sound but internally I was screaming in excitement, but do you know what else is good with Bancakes...chocolate milk.

"And there's chocolate milk downstairs if you want"

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Did he read my mind?

When I was sure that he left the house, I flung my door open and sprinted downstairs. I want some chocolate milk.

I ran over to the fridge and the sight in front of me was breathtaking, right there on the door was... a 2l carton of chocolate milk.

I put the carton of milk underneath my arm and rummaged through the fridge, I need some food for snacks too. Searching through the fridge I found some items that will please me later, I found a box of strawberries,  cans of soda and there was a huge box at the back of the fridge.

Being the curious girl I am, I placed all the items on the nearest counter and slowly took out the cardboard box. What caught my eye the most was that my name was on it, a note.


I knew you would come down here once I mentioned chocolate milk, don't question it. I have my ways.

Anyways I want to say that all the contents in this box is yours, I do hope you eat them, and no its not poisoned. If I wanted to kill you I would've done it weeks ago.

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