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Adrenaline pumping through my veins as I hold the steering wheel tightly. My white ford mustang roaring along with other cars. The crowd cheering with excitement. Some were cheering for their favorite racer.

I looked ahead of me as someone spoke."Ladies and gentlemen are you ready?" The crowd cheered loudly in response. "The count down starts NOW. 5∙4∙3∙2∙1"

Every car along with mine whooshed through. Everyone trying to get ahead of each other. A red mustang already getting pushed by a yellow one out of the track into a green one. Both cars crash into each other hard causing them to stop working. The mic announcing them out. Eight cars left.

I am the first one in line. Melony's car is right behind me. I smirk to myself. I might not go to the finals but I can surely win here.

Other cars one by one getting kicked out. There's only 4 left. Melony was out. The yellow one caught up with me we are on the pace. He tried to push me out but couldn't. I can see the finish line. If this goes on it's going to be a draw.

I look to my side to see the yellow car advancing towards. Before he could push me out I slow my car down making them flying out of the track and crash. The mic announcing them out.

I reach the finish line causing the crowd to go crazy. I get out of my car as my coworkers come out of nowhere and jump on me hugging me. I look over and see the girls screaming. I laugh as I see Lily choking to death.

I look around trying to find Aiden but to my disappointment he isn't here. But it doesn't last long as I spot melony coming over to me.

"Just because you won doesn't mean you are going to the finals. Mark.My.Words." she walks away as I look at her with disgust. What a bitch.


𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝒐𝒓 𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now