Chapter Two

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Crystal came to auditions at the school theatre early. Possibly the earliest she's even been to anything (even if it had only been by a couple of minutes) and she walked through the doors as confidently as possible, even though a little nervous. This, however, filtered away when embraced by Mrs Baker, a bubbly woman, constantly smiling.

"Crystal, my dear girl! You're early, what can I do for you?" Crystal couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi, Mrs Baker, I wanted to talk to you... about the musical"

"Crystal, I love you, but you know I can't pick favourites for the performance."

"No, no, that's not why I'm here. I actually wanted to talk to you about working with on lighting and sound...I know that doesn't normally happen but I...its much more up my alley" Crystal spoke, anxiously before her teacher pulled her into another tight hug.

"Oh Crystal, that sounds amazing. I'd love that... though that does mean you'd have to help me decide who gets what role."

Crystal nodded as they pulled away. "Honestly, I can't sing or act for shit, but I'll do my best"

The girl and her teacher sat down as students came walking in to the theatre. She instantly caught sight of Jan, Jackie, Heidi and Gigi amongst other pupils, Jan shot her an excited wave before Mrs Baker stood.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming. As I'm sure you've heard, this year's musical is Mean Girls," she paused so students could cheer before continuing with a grin."However, auditions will be slightly different this year, as this year I have an assistant." She gave Crystal a hand up as she introduced her. "For those of you who don't know her, this is Crystal. She will be working with me as a lighting and sound technician. Treat her well, as she will be helping me decide on roles. Take a few minutes going over lines and lyrics and I will call you one at a time to audition."

Gigi glared at Crystal as she sat back down. She already hates being around her in homeroom, at lunch, in textiles and colour theory classes, and now she will be deciding on her role in the musical. Gigi drew in a sharp breath through her clenched teeth, trying to put her feelings aside, knowing if she does well in the audition she will get a good role regardless of what Crystal wants.

One by one, students are called to the stage, as Heidi (who isn't auditioning, just supporting) sits behind the girl, whispering her own opinions in Crystal's ear, of which Crystal silently nodded. Jan had auditioned for Regina, but was asked to try out some of Kady's lines and songs. Crystal and Mrs Baker shot one another a knowing look before Jackie (who was perfect in her audition for Janice) and some others. Finally, there was only one more audition, Crystal's body froze as Gigi walked up the steps to the centre of the stage.

Gigi latched eyes with Crystal, before looking down at her feet and back up, sighing as she readied herself to audition. She began to explain what role she wanted (Kady) and why, Gigi then began to speak a few lines. After a few minutes of her portraying Kady she had to sing as her and Crystal smiled softly, almost genuinely, at Gigi who noticed it. It was the first time Crystal had noticed Gigi being vulnerable. It was new. It made Crystal see her as human for a few seconds. After her audition for Kady, she was then asked to try out the role of Regina George. This made Crystal smirk, knowing this was much more like the real Gigi. She spoke some of Regina's lines, and again sang as her, after which Mrs Baker thanked her for her time and she stepped off of the stage. Mrs Baker then turned to Crystal, asking for her to join her at lunch tomorrow so that they could discuss roles. Crystal agreed before grabbing her own stuff and walking out of the hall to join her friends and Gigi.

Gigi remained quiet whilst Crystal complimented the other girls. Whilst fashion was her passion, musical theatre was an escape for the tall blonde. If she didn't get a role she liked, or really any good roles at all, she'd be devastated. Crystal caught her attention, directly speaking to her for what might have been the first time ever.

"Not bad, Genevieve. Didn't know you could sing." Gigi almost smiled at the comment " surprised you auditioned for Kady, though. You are much more Regina. Prissy, homophobic white girl who thinks she's hot shit." Instantly Gigi's stomach knotted, though the girl was unsure why. She tried to cover it up though, speaking just as rudely to the brunette,

"Oh fuck off Crystal, like you'd ever get anywhere in musical theatre. Freak. Who the fuck picks to do the lights anyway?"

Crystal smirked, knowing her words had gotten under the other girls skin. Though she felt a tinge of sadness inside of her. She genuinely thought that Gigi did good, but she knew she could never simply admit that, so instead of accepting the admiration and slightly warm feeling in her stomach, she chose to be mean.

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