Chapter Five

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Gigi followed Crystal up the stairs and into her room. It wasn't small but most space was taken up by plants and clothes strewn about. Crystal led the girl to her bed before speaking

"Lay here a minute, I'll get you some pyjamas, there's water in the little fridge next to you and advil in the bed side table drawer. Help yourself."

Crystal turned around and rooted through her drawers, finding a baggy Iron Maiden T-shirt and black boxers. She turned round to Gigi who had taken a few pain killers and was chugging some water. "Put these on, I'll be right back okay?" She spun around and went to the bathroom where she put on some clothes she'd grabbed for herself - red check bottoms and a white wife beater. She quickly changed and wiped off her makeup, making sure to bring the packet of wipes with her for Gigi. She knocked on the door before entering.

She entered the room to find Gigi changed in her clothes, curled in a ball and crying again. Crystal made sure to pull the bin next to the bed before sitting besides Gigi's crumpled body.

"Hey it's okay, you're safe. Let's take off this makeup" she cooed, opening the packet and gently bringing a wipe to Gigi's face. She began to take off the girls eyeshadow as Gigi started to speak

"I don't know what happened, he seemed nice, he went to get me a drink and he was being flirty. We were kissing and then he started to try and do more but.. but I didn't want to. But he must have done something to my drink because I felt all weird and I wasn't drunk. I wasn't. But I couldn't stop him. And then you were there. And you saved me. He seemed so nice but then he wasn't and you saved me!" Gigi cried as she spoke, at this point Crystal had finished removing her makeup. "And oh my God you're bleeding. I didn't even notice. Your knuckles Crystal" Gigi sat up and pulled a fresh wipe from the bag, beginning to gently wipe the cuts on Crystal's knuckles. The brunette winced at the sharp pain but let the blonde continue as she'd noticed doing something gently was calming her down a little.

By the time Crystal's knuckles were cleaned of any blood, Gigi had stopped crying and her breathing had calmed.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward as the two girls remembered who they were to eachother and noticed the close proximity.

"Why did you save me, Crystal?" Gigi whispered, eyes beginning to brim with tears again.

"Gigi" Crystal began, and the pair couldn't help but both feel a twinge in their stomachs as they were both so used to Crystal calling the blonde by her full name "it doesn't matter how we feel about eachother. I wouldn't let what could have happened happen to anyone. You may hate me but I'm not a monster"

Gigi sighed "I don't hate you Crystal" she spoke, smiling sheepishly

"Sure seems like it" Crystal whispered, a small, equally sheepish smile on her lips.

Gigi smiled a little more at that "that's rich, Methyd."

Crystal moved from where she was sat. "Why don't we put something on the TV and get you to sleep?" Gigi nodded, turning onto her back as Crystal picked up the remote and put on Mean Girls. Silently the blond moved closer to Crystal, putting her head on the brunettes chest

"Don't make it weird" Gigi said as she felt Crystal freeze. "You smell nice. It's making me relax." The compliment was small but genuine and Crystal couldn't stop herself from blushing, a slight smile curling at the ends of her lips

"Aww look at you being nice for once, Goode" she muttered "let's get you to sleep."

Gigi didn't respond, just turning her head a little to bury her face in the brunettes neck. She breathed deeply as she fell asleep, and absent mindedly Crystal pulled the hair band from Gigi's hair and put it round her wrist, playing with Gigi's blonde hair as her eyes slowly closed, falling asleep slowly too

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