Chapter Three

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The girls walked towards the school parking lot, and the girls, besides Crystal, got in Gigi's car. Crystal said goodbye to the others, whilst lighting a cigarette and straddling her motorbike.

Gigi fixed her makeup in her wing mirror before her eyes focused on the girl behind her in the mirror's reflection. Crystal was on her phone, straddling her bike, cigarette in hand. Gigi felt her cheeks blush at the sight of the brunette in front of her. She pretended she had no idea why, but the sight was unfamiliar to the girl, and it made her giddy. Her hands began to sweat slightly as she pulled herself from staring at Crystal, who felt eyes on her. Just as fast as Crystal looked up, Gigi looked away and for a small moment the two caught one another's gaze. Unknown to the other, they both felt the same heat burn in their chests.

Gigi tried to shake the feeling as she started her car, a cherry red beetle, and drove away. Crystal flicked out her cigarette, crushing it with her boot, as she followed behind the car which was headed to Jan's.

Once they'd all arrived, they headed inside, getting ready for tonight's first day back party. Drinking on a Monday was obviously a bad choice but the girls were all so excited they decided to get ready and go anyway.

The party was at 7, and it was just after 5, so they ordered a pizza to share as they got dressed. The girls all looked great. All outfits different but somehow correlated (Jan had previously told everyone to incorporate sky blue into their clothes). Crystal, as the only openly queer person in the group, had changed in the bathroom so as not to make anyone uncomfortable, even though it wouldn't have.

When Crystal stepped into the room, all the girls' mouths dropped - gigi included - as the brunette stepped inside, wearing a sky blue blazer and pencil skirt. Gigi's eyes caught briefly on Crystal's blazer, which she was wearing with nothing underneath, exposing a small amount of cleavage.

Crystal smirked as she noticed, causing Gigi to blush

"Something the matter, Miss Goode?"

Gigi quickly closed her mouth as the other girls turned to look at her

"Not at all, Methyd," she shot back, words filled with venom. "Just surprised you're dressed... normally for once."

Crystal smiled as the taller blonde wiped her hands on her dress, clearly embarrassed, though both were unsure why. They quickly finished getting ready and ate their share of pizza before heading to the party.

When they pulled up, Crystal was happy she rode a motorbike, the parking area was completely filled and luckily her bike was just small enough to squeeze through a gap and park on the grass. She stepped off as gigi parked in the gap she'd left and waited for the other girls to climb out so they could all head into the party.

Though it was only 7:05, it was already extremely busy. So much so, the front door to the house had been left open for people who were coming in and out to smoke, make out, or vomit.

The girls managed to make their way to the kitchen, making drinks, but Gigi stepped away to talk to some of her friends from her French class - Nicky and Dahlia.

The remaining friends decided to drink a little and hang out, wasting time so they could get a little bit tipsy

Crystal wasn't much of a drinker, and therefore stepped outside to the back garden to smoke where she noticed Gigi already making out with a boy from their grade. Crystal rolled her eyes and sat on a large rock in the shadows just adjacent to the porch, so Gigi didn't notice and start a scene.

Midway through exhaling, however, her body froze as she heard a soft whimper from the direction Gigi was in. She instinctively turned her head and noticed the boy becoming more aggressive with Gigi. She seemed very drunk for someone who had only been there for a little while and the boy was clearly taking advantage of that. Unbeknownst to the boy and Gigi, Crystal had stepped up from her seat on the rock and put out the cigarette in the tall grass.

Crystal watched for a moment, not wanting to intrude on something that may be harmless, kinky maybe, but harmless. However when she heard a small "no" and a yelp from Gigi followed from the boy's "oh come on baby, you might like it" Crystal stepped up the porch so she was only a few feet from the boy, who she'd now realised was a jock.

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