Chapter Eight

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Crystal sat in bed sketching. She drew tons of the ideas that were flooding her mind, trying to quiet down Gigis words that were echoing in her head "It was gross. No need to shove it in everyone's face." Crystal didn't understand. The moments they shared together last night, that morning, how could Gigi say that after the way they'd been behaving around each other. Sure it wasn't like they were making out, but it was intimate. Crystal couldn't stop her thoughts, but as not to spiral, she kept sketching.

It was only when she stopped to reach into her fridge and grab a bottle of water that she noticed just how much the sketches looked like Gigi. She threw herself back in bed with a scoff, exasperated.

Why did she feel like this? It was so obvious that Gigi felt nothing for her, even after the night and morning they'd spent together. But she couldn't help but fixate on all the details of her room that night, the sleeping blonde, face curled into her neck. The gentle hand on her chest. The smile on Gigi's face when Crystal came in with breakfast. "No" she thought, shaking her head, Gigi made it very clear where she stood on Crystal being with girls, and she was straight anyway.

Crystal sat up in bed when her phone rang, a call from Jan

"Hello?" She answered, Jan spoke

"Chryssie, have you seen Gigi's blue purse? She said she had it when she left the party yesterday but she can't find it, we can't find it at her house" Crystal froze at the mention of the blonde but pretended she was fine.

"Uh I wouldn't have it, I just dropped her home. Maybe she dropped it on the way home and didn't notice" Crystal new this wasn't true, the pastel blue suede bag was under her bed, covered in mud, completely ruined but Jan couldn't know that. Crystal heard Gigi's voice over the phone

"Fuck, what do I do? I love that bag, it took me ages to make. I wanted to have it for my birthday, it goes with the outfit I planned" Crystal smiled, knowing that Gigi planned her birthday outfit a week prior every year, and though she was mad at the blonde she couldn't help but hatch a plan

"Calm down Genevieve, I'll drive around and look for it. I'll let Jan know if I find it." She heard Gigi go to argue, but stop herself, knowing the truth would slip out if she asked.

"Okay... um thank you" with that, Crystal hung up the phone and decided to drive to the closest fabric store to find some blue suede. She only had a couple days to make it, but it didn't seem too difficult to make.

She got home and got started, sketching out the patterns and digging around her mess of a room for the supplies she needed to make the bag. Crystal began to fixate on making it, so much so she hadn't gone out all week besides to school and she was barely getting any sleep staying up late at night to finish it.

However, the work paid off because by Saturday morning, she had blistered and pinpricked fingers, but a fully made, remodelled sky blue suede bag.

She quickly put it in a matching sky blue box with a small white bow and a little hand written note on cardboard. "Happy birthday, mean girl. Hope you like this as much as the last. -C"

For the first time ever, the girls had planned a weekend away and with that, Crystal packed a rucksack with everything she'd need, as well as the little box which she gently placed on top before zipping it up and putting it on her back. She left on her bike for Jan's house where she met the girls, wished Gigi a happy birthday, and they all left for their trip together.

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