Chapter Ten

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"The real bag's under my bed covered in mud from that night at the party. I assumed you didn't want the others to know."

"Oh.. well um.. keep it or throw it away or something, I like this one better anyway" Gigi spoke, earnestly. "Yours is just like an upscale version of mine. It's incredible, really"

Crystal felt a blush crawl across her face "stop it, it's not as good as your making it out to be"

"It's the sentiment. I was a bitch to you and you made me something that I'd lost, and you did it 10 times better than I did. It's sweet, really, it's the kindest thing someone's ever done for me. I don't deserve this."

"No, to be honest you don't. But I felt like it would bring some good to the bad that happened that night."

"I'm sorry, Crystal. I really am. It wasn't fair for me to behave that way. I really appreciate how you jumped to action that night, you saved me. It means the world." Gigi felt a tear in her eye as she sat on the sofa, hands on her knees, avoiding eye contact. That was until Crystal reached over and touched her hand

"I accept the apology. I just think... maybe you have a lot of self reflection to do. And you don't need to thank me for that night. You may be a bitch sometimes but I'm still not going to let that happen to you."

"Well I owe you, quite a lot actually, so let me know if I can do anything at all for you. Just don't tell the girls I'm being nice to you, or about that night."

"It'll be our little secret" Crystal winked and stood from the sofa, taking her bag upstairs and finding the last remaining room, before getting changed.

Gigi was still, frozen on the couch for a moment, face flushed and sweating palms. That wink, that grin, God, Crystal was right, Gigi had some self reflection to do. After she composed herself, she headed upstairs to get changed and packed some stuff she'd need for the beach into her new purse. She was posing in the floor length mirror when she heard a light tap on her room door.

"Um Gigi, could you help me? My hair's tangling with my bikini every time I try doing it up. I can't get it" Crystal's tone was sheepish, assuming Gigi would say no. Slowly the door opened and the pair locked eyes. Gigi looked amazing, tiny blue bikini with high waisted bottoms, making her long legs even longer. Crystal, in Gigi's opinion, looked just as beautiful, pink tiger print, bikini top held up by Crystal's nervous, shaking hand.

"Yeah um come in" Gigi said, noticing the shorter brunettes nerves, which only amplified her own. Crystal stepped inside and turned around "Just turn round and lift your hair"

"But then the top will fall"

"I'm not looking Crystal, just turn round." Crystal followed the instruction and turned round and Gigi stepped closer. Crystal felt her skin immediately cover in goosebumps as Gigi gently untangled the hair, breathing softly against the shorter brunette's hair.

"You're good" Gigi tied the knot, but didn't step back as Crystal turned round.

"Thank you" Crystal muttered, well aware of the lack of distance between her and the blonde. "See you're not always bad" her voice shook, a little quieter than intended

"Oh Methyd, you have no idea how good I can be" Gigi smirked as she whispered, a sudden surge of confidence waving over her. Crystal gulped.

"I-maybe you'd have to show me sometime" Crystal responded, Gigi's new found confidence rushing over her and rubbing away her own nerves. Gigi couldn't help but notice that the brunette and herself were slowly leaning closer toward one another, but before either girl could act on it, Gigis phone rang from inside her purse. She instantly stepped back, the tension lingering in the air for a moment as she answered, putting the phone on speaker.

"Are you two coming or what" Jan asked, impatience evident in her phone

"Yeah we'll be leaving in a minute, I was just helping Crystal do her bikini up"

"Ooh they were fuckinnnn" Heidi shouted in the background, earling an audible slap on the wrist from Jan. Gigi and Crystal instantly locked eyes, blushing.

"H-Heidi! we most certainly were not!" Gigi stuttered slightly, earning a mocking laugh from Heidi over the phone and even Jan and Jackie let out small laughs "we're leaving. Bye." Gigi hung up.

"We should get going" Crystal said, and Gigi walked past, not responding.

The walk to the beach was awkward, but somehow also peaceful. As they reached the beach, Crystal decided to break the tension "beat you to the water" she yelled, sprinting towards the waves.

"That isn't fair, you don't have a bag with you" Gigi yelled, running after her (well, she atleast tried to, but it was near impossible in the sky blue flip-flops on her feet). She jumped over Jan, who was sunbathing, and dropped her bag as she followed Crystal, whose curls were bouncing in the beach wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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