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The Gift

It's been 16 Year's after the invasion of the monsters from another world , since the day those monsters arrived there where mysterious energy coming out of the Portal, The Energy has spreading all around the globe,These mysterious energy was not harmful but expert's where curious of what is it ,After many years of research they concluded that these energy is able to harness and manipulate to any form or element as if it was magic,they were able to use it in many ways and incorporate it into science and create brand new technology and called these energy "Neo" and branded the new technology "Star light tech" and with these new technology the world has highly advance and started to learn "magic."

Location:Star light university,One of the most prestigious school in the world.

Now we see Max sterling 16 y's/o walking into star light university late for class.

"Teacher talking"
"Door opens"
Max suddenly walks in class like it's normal

Teacher:Mr.sterling glad you showed your late face at class mind you answer this equation at the board.
Max:ehhhhh!but I just got here can't you let someone else answer it for you.
Teacher:Mr.sterling! since you were late you should answer the question,if you answer this correctly I will turn a blind eye of you being late.
Max:Fineee! "Mumble's" what a drag.
"Walks in front of the class"
Teacher: Listen here Mister sterling just because you have ok grades doesn't mean you could just come into class whenever you want and for that you must answer what the Neo Theory.
Max:"hmmm.. the Neo Theory it is said it's a very complicated thing to understand especially for high schooler" (talking in his thoughts).

Then suddenly Max stared answering the question at high speeds the other students can't keep up with with Max's speed and in a few seconds he finished answering.

Max:Can I go back to my seat sir?
Teacher:ahh..yes,yes you can.

The class was shock on how fast Max finished the question, not only that he got it right!

"Max pulls chair"

Teacher:Ok class let's get back to the lesson for today.

Three hours later......
"Ring" "Lunch time"
"students walking to lunch"

Max:Yawn! what should I have for lunch?

As Max turned around to look a brown haired girl comes crashing at Max sending them both falling.

Max:uhhhh!..that hurts,why did you do that for Eleina, can't you watch where you're going,you could have really hurt someone.

Eleina:uhh sorry Maxy ,when I saw you I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have lunch together,but I kinda trip when I got close hehehehe.

Max: Your so clumsy you know that right?
well whatever,where do you want to have lunch?

Eleina: how about some NFC(New-york Fried Chicken)?

Later at NFC

"Max and Eleina sitting down at the table at NFC after ordering"

Eleina:so how was class ,I heard you were late and the teacher was angry at you.

Max: yeah he was angry,he even made me answer a question Infront of the class as punishment .

Eleina:hehehehe!...well pushing that topic aside, how's your mom doing?

Max:Great,she been quite busy at work but she is happy and healthy .

Eleina:well that's great to hear,"looks at watch" seems that we should get going we're going to be late.

Max:yup!we should get going now .

"walking back to school"

Eleina's phone:"ding" seems like we have no classes this afternoon.


Eleina:I don't know it doesn't say why tho.


Eleina:what!! an explosion,it seems it came fr-

Max:"suddenly runs towards the explosion"

Eleina:Maxy! wait.

Max:that explosion! it came from the star light labs.

Max runs through the streets towards the explosion ,as he runs Eleina tries to catch up to Max and tries to tell him to stop and her where he's going but he does not respond and keeps running.

As Max arrive ,there was a blue light and lightning coming from inside the lab,the police has close of the lab from the giant crowd around it

Exhausted and out of breath, Eleina manage to caught up with Max.

Eleina:"haaah"huuff",why did you just suddenly run off?you made me run for miles.huh? hey Maxxie! are you listening?

But Max was not listening,he was focus on wandering about the blue light,then suddenly he decided to run through the crowd and the police to go and find out for himself and Eleina gone and followed him to try to stop him.

The cops tried to stop both of them but suddenly the door collapse! and block the way.

"Rumble"! "Rumble"!

Officer #1:Dang it!
Officer #2:what should we do now sir?the only entrance is now block off.
Officer #1:call for any available heavy machinery to remove these rocks at the entrance immediately!
Officer #2:yes sir!

Meanwhile inside the star light labs....

"eleina coming out of the smoke"

Eleina: cough! cough!,that was close,now where did Max go?

Eleina wondered aimlessly in the the abandoned laboratory trying to find Max .

Eleina: Max! where are you!? we need to get out of here it's too dangerous!

As Eleina searches for Max, Something is lurking from behind.

Eleina: Max! where are yo-! "small rock fell"
eek! huh?oh,it was just a rock, hehehe.

Suddenly Something large and menacing appeared behind her. As Eleina slowly turn to look she saw a ogre towering before her. As the Ogre raised it's weapon,it swings, Eleina scream in fear, SMASH!

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