Weird Power

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As Max opened the door he saw a bright light but not from the sun but from the sight of seeing Eleina fine , "oh! Max you're ok!" Eleina said after noticing Max, after hearing those words Max's guilt faded and couldn't help but tear up and said "I'm glad you're ok too"

1 Day Later........

Max and Eleina was finally discharged and was allowed to go home, Max's Mom came and picked them up, after 15 minutes of driving they dropped Eleina at her home and she thanked Max's Mom for the ride," it's alright dear, I'm happy to drop you off" said Max's Mom, during the rest of the trip Max was in deep thought thinking about his situation like, what was that old portal he saw?,what did it do to his body?, did it have an affect on Eleina too?, so many questions with little to no answers to, "I'll have to do some research to find out " said Max in his thoughts. After a while they arrived to there home , Max when entering the house something jumped at Max, knocking him over.

Max: ouch! seriously!, I just came back from the hospital

"intense licking"

As we see, the creature was an Alaskan klee Kai named Yukon.

Max:cut it out Yukon! it tickles!(said it while giggling)
Sarah: seems like Yukon missed you.
Max: I missed you too buddy, come let's play in the yard.

Max played with his dog for hours till it got dark.

Sarah: (watching Max play), seems like they're having a good time, I better call them for dinner.
Sarah: Max! Yukon! , dinner's ready!
Max: coming!

"Max and Yukon came inside"

Sarah: hurry up and sit down , before the food gets cold.
Max:wow! "adobo", thank you for the food! chomp!(said as he sat down)

Max ate a whole 5 servings of rice and adobo and later went upstairs to his room. As Max sits in front of his desk and ponders on how to explain his condition while playing with a Rubik's cube,he tried and tried to find a reason for what is happening to him but eventually he got frustrated and threw the Rubik's cube and started scrolling in his phone.

"scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll" beep!

Max: Dang it! low battery

As Max said that his hand began to glow blue and his phone spark, dropping it. At first he was hesitant to pick it up , but ended up picking it up anyway, as he looked at his phone he was shocked, his phone was at 5% and now it's fully charged. As Max scratches his head about what happened he accidentally stepped on his Rubik's cube he threw earlier,he tried to pick it but as he touched it , the cube glowed blue and disappeared, he was confused even further the just suddenly disappeared in front of him, but he noticed something, everything that is happening to him is kinda magical, kinda like "Neo" .

The next morning....

Max hurriedly left home with a "pandesal" in his mouth and a cup of coffee in his hand. He left home in a hurry because he wanted to meet George White , the world's leading scientist on anything related to "Neo" and former partner of his father. "If my assumption is right that this blue energy is like Neo, then the leading scientist on Neo can help" Max said. As Max run through the streets of New York City, we can see the star light corporation building from a far, while running Max's right eye suddenly glowed blue and made him stop for a second, Max hid behind an alley to avoid scaring any citizens and tries to figure out what going on with his eye, he tried numerous things like waving his hand in front of it , blinking, and even tried poking his eye, "ouch! well that's stupid" Max said, then he caught a glimpse of a girl glowing, he thought "how is that happening" , he quickly covered his right eye and then the girl stopped glowing, it seems like he can see the girl glowing with his right eye. Then out of nowhere,the energy covering the girl started to walk across the street in the form of the little girl and then a truck-shaped blue energy hit the energy girl, Max was in shock of what just happened. Max thought maybe he is in some kind of hallucination but no, this is real, everything he witness was real, then he saw the little girl started to cross the street, him everything he was real and is happening right now then-, Max noticed the truck driving uncontrollably on the road immediately, as the truck came closer to the girl, Max ran at full throttle, attempting to save the girl, as Max is reaching closer the truck is almost gonna run over the girl, then suddenly Max was seeing the world as if it was in slow motion, blue energy was coursing through both his mind and body, in a desperate attempt, Max poured every single strength he has for this one jump, all of that energy in one move, then he jumped at the girl as the truck is practically in front of them. Then the truck crashed, just barely missing both Max and the little girl.

"phew! that was close, should be careful when you're crossing the young lady! Max said angrily. " I'm sorry" said the little girl.

Max: well as long as you learned your lesson, ok take care.
Little girl: take care mister!(said while waving bye)


Max: that was weird, my vision was just suddenly in slow motion and my body was full energy, how did I even did what I just did earlier but weirdly I felt kinda drained, whatever I just did earlier used up a lot of my stamina, I better hurry up and meet professor White.

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