Unknown Energy

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THE Gift Part 2

Eleina screams as the swing it's weapon at her, but suddenly Max appeared and hits the ogres face with a 1080° spin kick then picked up Eleina an ran away to find cover.

Eleina:haaah! looks like those years learning taekwondo finally paid off.
Max: why did you follow me Eleina? it's dangerous!
Eleina : you should speak for yourself,why did you ran in here if you known it was dangerous huh?I only followed you to stop you from getting into trouble!
Max:I have business to take care of, you should go back before you get yourself killed I'll go back after I finish.
Eleina: Well I can't go back since the front door caved in.
Max: well we'll just have to find another way out, follow me.

Max and Eleina searched all around to find an exit while also avoiding the Ogres, goblins and other monsters roaming about, but after searching the whole building there were no exits found.As they stop to take a rest Eleina was shaking in fear with the they won't be able to escape and later get eaten but luckily Max comforted her and telling her that everything will be okay.

while walking around they saw a blue light coming from down to the basement,the same light they saw coming out of the building Eleina was hesitant to go down but suddenly swarms of goblins from both sides was rushing towards them, Max grabs Eleina's hand and pulled her down to the light , hurriedly barricaded the door.

Both of them almost got killed. After finishing the barricade they took a quick breather,as turn around,they saw a old portal glowing blue, surging with electricity, the same portal that tooked Max's Father from all those years ago. Max slowly walk towards it , extending his hand to the portal, Eleina tried to stop Max, but suddenly a small spark connected to Max's finger.

Then, a massive wave of blue energy unexpectedly burst sending the duo both flying.The wave hit every single part of the city and shutting down anything powered with Neo. This event was broadcasted all over the news , everyone was in a panic of what just happened and this event will affect Max's and Eleina's life entirely.

3 Day Later.....

We see Max laying in bed unconscious and his mother right beside him, peeling apples for Max to eat.

Meanwhile in Max's mind.....

there are grassy hill all around with something that kinda looks like a city at the horizon, there weird and strange creatures all around, it was the first time Max is seeing this unique creatures.Then out of nowhere everything faded to black ,Max was just floating in the abyss,then lightning started to rain down and crack suddenly appeared that is strangely similar to the portal he saw , Max was weirdly attracted to the crack, as if something or "someone" is calling for him. As Max gets closer the starts to get louder and louder and LOUDER! Then it unexpectedly stop , Max was confused from what happened but the crack began to start to close, Max quickly try to reach it shouting " wait ,stop , stop, please sto-"

Max suddenly waked up from his dream and scream "STOOOOOPPPPPP"!

Sarah: Max!
Sarah: are you ok?
Max: yeah,I'm ok,I just had a weird dream.
Sarah:you scared me! I thought you were in pain or something.
Max: sorry mom. so how long was I out?
Sarah: 3 days
Max: what!? 3 days!
Sarah: yes, 3 days, when I found out that your where in hospital, my heart almost stopped with the thought of losing you, I can't lose you after losing your father.
Max: I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry sorry that I made you worry about me
Sarah:"tearing up" promise me, promise me to never do this again!
Max:I promise mom,I promise.(with a sad look in his face)

10 minutes later ....

Sarah:well I better get going, I still have work to do,I'll see later after work.
Max: take care!

As Max's Mom leave, Max started thinking about what he saw in his dream if it's a "dream" that is. Max looks at his arm remembering when he tried to get close to the portal and how that weird energy felt, it's as if from another "world" . As this runs through Max's though, his hands abruptly made a spark of electricity surprising Max, he wonder's what happened,how it happened and why it happened but the main thing in Max's mind is whatever happened to him that day somehow changed him, "wait! what happened to Eleina" Max's thoughts, he hurriedly left his bed to find Eleina to see if she's ok, he ask the receptionist what room Eleina was, they told him that it was room 009 but they tried to stop Max since he hasn't fully recovered but Max resisted and ran towards Eleina's room.

Max finally found Eleina's room, as he gripped the handle he hesitated , Max's thoughts "Eleina might be injured because of me, because of me I brought Eleina to that dangerous situation, because of me she might be in a life threatening situation, because of ME!" but Max thinks and said quietly "I'll find out when I open this door ", Max finally gained enough courage and opened the door. A bright light shines at Max as he saw......

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