Bosque De Muerte

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In a strangely familiar but different world, in a grassy plains, a carriage is traveling towards the east, with knights guarding it from front to back. Inside the carriage, there is a young woman with a gorgeous dress and a middle-aged man with a very sophisticated attire and look.

???: How long till we arrive at Marinova, Sir Shuvuu?
Shuvuu: Well, it will take us around 4 hours if cut through the Bosque De Muerte(Forest of Death) BUT! It would have taken us only an hour if you didn't wake up late! Ain't that Princess Raiden.
Raiden: it's not my fault that you didn't wake me up early and besides how would have i known that Father would leave me just because I was a few minutes late.
Shuvuu: You know princess, sometimes you're just unbelievable.
Raiden: what's that supposed to mea-.

The carriage they were in suddenly began to shake and the sound of metal clashing with each other can be heard. The moment it stopped shaking, the princess and her aide got out of the carriage and saw bandits attacking.

Raiden: Bandits? How could they be so bold to attack us, even though they know the punishment for ambushing a carriage with the kingdom's official crest.
Shuvuu: huh!?... Oh my god! It can't be!
Raiden: what's the problem Sir Shuvuu?...Hey, answer me!
Shuvuu: It's... It's... It's The Voidwatchers!
Raiden: The Voidwatchers! The most infamous mercenary guild in all of the 12 Nations! Then we must hurry-.

But before the princess could finish her sentence, one of the mercenaries charged right at her, yelling "Die! Princess, Bwahaha!", Ahhhhhh!-screamed the princess, but before the mercenary could land his blade, the princess' aid, Sir shuvuu was able to push back the mercenary with a kick that is infused infused with Neo.

Shuvuu: are you ok princess?
Raiden: yes, thanks to you.
Shuvuu:  we must hurry and escape my liege, it's too dangerous to remain here any longer.

The princess nodded and both hopped onto a horse, that was carrying one of the supplies they had and immediately rode towards the forest, the mercenaries tried to chase after them but were stopped by the knights.

When the princess made it to the Bosque De Muerte, the moment they entered it, the scenery turned dark and glooming, a chill going down their spine, the uneasiness they felt, like, as if someone or something was watching them. As they venture farther into the forest, the horse suddenly just stops on its tracks, not listening to a word they say, when they take a  look at the horse closely, they notice it is sweating, shaking, and scared. The moment Shuvuu figured out why the horse was scared, it was already too late, in front of them, a giant brown and black bear that was twice the size of a normal bear and with sharp and rocky stones in its back and also some noticeable scars around it's body. The bear came in front of them and stood up menacingly, looking down on them, as if to it, they were just food for it to consume. The princess and her aid were terrified, unable to move due to the fear they were feeling. Then the bear shouted a terrifying roar, Shuvuu unsheathed his sword, covered it with Neo, and attempted to strike the beast to protect the princess, but the bear just knocked him aside, as if he was just a fly. The beast started to crawl towards the princess, she slowly backed away from the beast but later fell to the ground with a tree behind her. When the bear got close enough, it stood up, raised its claw, and brought it down at her, the princess braced for the attack but before it could land, a ragged, blonde person appeared and parried the claw away with both of his short stone spears in his hands. The mysterious blonde person stares down the bear as if it's telling the beast to back, but instead of backing off it roars and attacks him, he was able to dodge the roll towards Sir Shuvuu and he picks up his sword and puts it in his mouth, copying a familiar pose. The bear charges towards the person but before it can come close he throws his spear in its eye, making it stop and growl in pain. The blonde guy then slides under the bear and throws his spear at a branch that is on top of the bear, falling on the beast and knocking it down, rush on top of the beast, and with the sword in his hand, he stabs it through its head.

After the fight, Princess Raiden opened her eyes to see a blonde and ragged person in front of her that just saved her and her aid. As she looked at him, the rays of the sun pierced through the dense and dark forest, making the person shine beautifully like the sun. The strange boy slowly walked towards her, the moment he got close, he knelt down and softly held her chin, then he sweetly asked her, "What's a gorgeous maiden doing in a forest like this", but she did not respond due to being mesmerized by he's beautiful green eyes, as beautiful as emeralds and just blushed out of embarrassment. He quickly noticed and held her hand, got close, and instead asked, "Pardon me for not introducing myself first, my name is Max Sterling, and you are?", she first stuttered, then she answered his question," I- I'm Princess Raiden Ebonheart of Neoterra, the second in line to the throne and the only daughter of king Arthur Ebonheart.
Max was surprised to hear that she was a princess, "hmm... a princess? Explains the way you dress", then Sir Shuvuu ran towards them worried, "Your Majesty! Are you ok? Are you hurt? I'm sorry for being unable to protect you properly!"- said Sir Shuvuu to Princess Raiden. "It's all right, you did your best, and besides, this gentleman protected me from that vile beast."- replied the princess, Shuvuu looked at the young boy and came near him, then he bowed and expressed his gratitude for protecting the princess "On behalf of the kingdom of Neoterra, we greatly thank you for protecting her highness! we are highly in debt to you, please, tell us if you need anything, Neoterra will provide anything."

Max: well... do you have any clean clothes for me, I have been in these dirty clothes for a few weeks now.

Later, on the other side of the forest...

Max and the princess finally left the 
Bosque De Muerte, riding on their steeds, with Max riding a black deer with red eyes.

Raiden: so... sir Max?
Max: please, just call me Max, we're practically the same age.
Raiden: uhh, ok... Max?
Max: Yes?
Raiden:umm... if you don't mind but what were you doing in the forest? You said you've been there for weeks.
Max: I was trying to survive.
Max: Long story short, I'm from a faraway place, and one day got teleported into the forest, at first I tried to leave the forest but that stupid bear from earlier was constantly guarding the exit. I was glad you two were able to distract it earlier.
Raiden: well... we're happy to have helped.
Sir Shuvuu: So sir Max, what will you be doing now you are out of the forest?
Max: I am not sure myself, I'm quite foreign towards these lands.
Raiden: well, you can come with us, we're on our way to Marinova, it's a Port City that is famous for its advanced network of trade and its beautiful marine life, they also have very delicious seafood there.
Sir Shuvuu: well I think that's a great idea Your Highness! I don't mind you coming with us since you saved the princess and me.
Raiden: Now it's decided, Marinova here we come!

Meanwhile, near the Bosque De Muerte.....

???: Hmmm... these seem to lead to Marinova, well it looks like I know where I'm heading next.

To be continued.....

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