Rupture in Reality

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                             Chapter 7
                               The Rift

Time: 4:37 p.m

"Ring-Ring "

Sarah: Hello, George.
George:oh! Sarah, nice of you to call, is there something you need?
Sarah: no nothing, I was just wondering on how is Max doing.
George: oh! Max, his doing fine, he's getting quite close with the staff here.
Sarah: well that's great, last question, when will Max's examination be finished? its already been 5 days.
George: don't worry Sarah, I'll tell you when we're finish, it just took longer than expected.
Sarah:well, tell Max that I called and don't forget to feed him three times a day and don't let him stay up late.
George: ok, I will.


As George White hangs up his, he turns around looked at Max, all bloody and bruised, he's clothes all torn and haven't eaten or slept for days. Max is all bind up and cannot do anything,all he can do is groan in pain and wish that they would stop and let him go,"I didn't do anything , why are they doing this? why is uncle white doing this?" said Max in his thoughts. Max was subjected to numerous experiments from surgically analyzing my body to forcefully injecting him with Neo.

George looked at the scientist besides him and said...

George: how's the data we accumulated so far?
Scientist: it's doing good, we  recently discovered that the unknown energy from the child is similar to the energy of the portal you and your partner made 16 years ago.
George:I knew it!, keep me posted on anything else you find.
Scientist: of course sir.


George:oh wait! now that you mentioned the portal, there was another child with Max when the portal exploded, I think her name was, Eleina!

Max heard what George just said started to shout at him and saying....

Max: Stay away from Elaine! she has nothing to do with this! I don't care if you keep experimenting on me forever just Don't do anything to her!

George and the other scientist was surprised from the sudden outburst, George immediately replied and said....

George: that's sweet of you Max but, you have no say on what I do.

Then, he walked away while ordering the corporation's task force to hunt down Eleina.

Max: uncle stop! she didn't to anything! please don't hurt her! uncle, uncle, GEORGE!!!!

Then a sudden surge of electricity electrocuted Max , silencing him.( note: the scientist pressed the electrocution button to silence Max.)

Now all that Max can do is think about Eleina and what they might to to her , he started to blame himself because if he hadn't showed his power she wouldn't have gotten her involved, his anger kept building up in his mind to the point that he was suggesting on killing George. Suddenly he heard a voice....

???: do you want to escape?
Max: y-yes.
???: do you want to stop them?
Max: Yes!
???: do you want to save her?
Max: YES!
???: then use the power in you to do so.

Then, the scientist's machine started to go haywire, that's when they noticed that electricity is coming out of Max and blue energy is seeping out of his body , both of the scientists began to tremble in fear by the power they're sensing.

One by one, Max broke off all the restraints on him, he readied himself in a running position, the scientists tried to activate the defense system, but was stopped when Max ran straight at them, breaking the controls and now attempting to escape this wretched place, but one of the scientist was able to press the emergency alarm, telling the entire building that Max, has escaped.

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