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Chapter 6

Meanwhile, in the Star light corporation's medical center we can see Max unconscious and laying in bed with Prof white sitting right beside him, waiting for Max to wake up while feeling anxious of the thought of Max not waking up.

Prof white: oh my god! what have I done, I shouldn't have left Max alone in the lab full of dangerous things, I know he is already 16 but he's still a kid, I should've brought him with me or at the very least told him not to touch anything and wander around the lab, oh my! what should I say to Sarah? tell her that I got her son injured right after he just recovered from a previous injury! Please Max! be ok.(said while feeling anxious, worried and his leg anxiously moving)

Then Prof white notice that a glass of water is shaking," an earthquake?" said Prof white, the rumbling started to increase making it hard for the professor to stand,the began to flicker, Neo seeping in the room, slowly filling the room.

Prof white: what the hell is happening!?whoa!

"Grabbed his phone"

Prof white:hello? is there anyone there? what's happening to the building? hello? Damn it! I can't get a signal.huh?

As all of this is happening, the professor noticed that Max is glowing blue and the Neo is fusing with Max, the Neo grabbed Max and lifted him up, "Max, wake up!" said the professor. The professor tried to reach Max but couldn't due to the force from the Neo rotating around Max , pushing the professor back. Then, blue light starts to come out from Max's eyes and mouth, slowly he was blinded by the unbearable brightness of the light, "Maaaax!" said the professor, and then, everything stopped!, objects scattered all over the room, windows broken into pieces, dust all over the place, creating a huge mess. "Max! are you ok? said the professor as he hurried up to Max, he grabbed a device from his lab coat that detects Neo energy and sends a low-frequency pulse interacting with the Neo energy present within an individual or object, he used it on Max to check the state of his body since he just absorbed a huge quantity of Neo, "quite mind boggling, these readings are of the charts!, this is 100x the amount of Neo an average person has.(Note: The average amount a person has is 100 NU's(Neo units) but not everyone has Neo in their bodies, most of the population has 0 Neo in them.)

The Neotron suddenly detected a unknown Energy, due to being unable to read it, the device began to have errors and later explode. Then,"ughh.... what happened? How long have I been out?" said Max, "Max! oh I'm so glad that you're alright" said Prof white as he hug's Max.

Max: woah woah now! Gentle with the hugs alright.
Prof white: sorry... it's just, you don't know how worried I was!
Max uhhh.... uncle white, what happened to the room? it's a mess! and why am I here , last I remember I was in your secret lab in a room with a tank full of Neo, that later exploded that may or may not be my fault, hehehe, sorry.
Prof white: well, I'll tell you.

Professor White told Max that when he came back from getting lunch he found Max unconscious and rush immediately to the medical center and also explain what happened earlier.

Max: so, that's what happened.
Prof white: yup!
Max: does my mo-
Prof white: nope!, I didn't tell her anything, if I did ,she might come here kill me for letting you get hurt right after you just recovered from your previous injury.
Max: "chuckles"
Prof white:on the topic of your mom, I also called her and said that you were staying with me for a few nights, so that she wouldn't worry about you.
Max: thanks
Prof white: I'll check up on you later, I have "some things" to prepare.
Max:ok, see ya uncle.

"door closes"

Prof white: "calls someone" hello, professor conner , yeah prepare the"snake pit".(note: NOT! a real snake pit, it's a room called the snake pit.)

"walks away"


"knock knock"

Max: come in.

"door opens"

Sec: um... excuse me, I'm Prof White's Secretary, Mrs. Layla.
Max: hello, is there something you need?
Sec: Prof white is calling for you.
Max:ok, just a sec.

Max followed the secretary to where Prof white is, as he follow the secretary, they hop on an elevator and gone down numerous floors of the building, going deeper and deeper, till they arrived in a floor with a dark hallway. Max felt a bit anxious and sense a kinda ominous feeling as he walks through the dark hallway.

Max: umm...... Mrs. Layla are we at the right floor?
Sec: I'm positive. " walking" look here w finally arrived.
Max : so, you say uncle is inside.
Sec: yes.

As Max came close to the door it automatically opened, he entered the room and the door closed behind him locking him in.

Max:"hitting the metal door" umm, hello, I think I got locked in by accident, hello?

"walks around the room"

Max it's so dark I can't see a thing.

Max tries to find the light switch, he was surprised when a mechanical arm came out of the ceiling and grabbing his arm, " hey, let go of me!" Max said as he struggles to resist. Then, three more mechanical arms came out from the ceiling and floor, grabbing his other arm and both of his legs. Suddenly, the light turns on and Max saw professor White and other scientist behind a window.

Max uncle white what are you doing!
Prof white: "presses a button" I'm sorry Max but, it's for your safety and for others.
Max: what are you talking about?
Prof white: you're just too dangerous, you have something in you that is completely unknown to all of us, and based from I saw , I think this is the only way.

The window turned black , preventing anyone from Max's side to seeing anyone in White's side.

Max: you can't do this! this is just wrong! there's got to be another way! uncle! uncle! UNCLE!

Scientist: are you sure this is ok professor?
White:is there a problem?
Scientist:well... he's just a child, don't you think this is a bit overboard?
White: I Know what I'm doing, so just shut up and do your f@*king Job!
Scientist: yes sir! I'm sorry.

White slowly walks away with Max struggling in the background and we can see white with a evil grin and says " you will be quite useful for my plan, Max, hehehehehe".


The reason why some people have Neo in them is that back then when Neo energy arrived at our world after the "incident" 16 years ago, a lot of people got exposed to these energies that results in either having Neo circulating in your body or getting Neo poisoning, now Neo can be either passed down through birth or having it safely injected in your body through a very slow and delicate process.

NU's or Neo units is a measurement of Neo energy in a person's body or in a object.

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