Chapter 51

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Yumi and the rest of them were at the edge of their seat as Namjoon injected the liquid into the still hybrid.

Despite the disinterest shown by all the heads, they remained quiet as the team drew back anxiously. Yumi was holding her breath, she found that she couldn't think, despite her brain going haywire with thoughts. 

Her heart hammered against her ribs as she reminded herself to breathe. She hardly took in the others crowded inside the tiny room, studying the still body of Min Yoongi. She wanted him to get better, not just because her life depended on his resuscitation, but also the entire human species. This mission, this whole journey, it all lead them up to this. They were going to be judged here.

She glanced around to see her teammates' reaction. Namjoon had jumped back immediately after injecting the liquid into Yoongi's arm, which plopped back lifelessly onto the bed once let go. Jimin had his fists clenched as his eyes switched from the body to the monitors like he was watching a tennis ball match. Hara had her hands clasped, biting slowly onto her lip as she watched Yoongi, unblinking.

She later looked at Jeongguk, thinking about how anxious he had been until the past few days. His eyes were closed, but his ears seemed to be straining for any difference in the air. Sweat was shining on his forehead, and by now Yumi knew him enough to know it happened only when he was anxious out of his mind. This has been his mission, to save his friend from death, and he was being judged here too. She wondered if she could grab his hand to comfort, and almost reached out her hand before remembering that the heads were still standing there.

Although she knew it was going to take a couple of hours for it to work, she couldn't take her eyes off Yoongi, or even force her legs to move from their spot. It was going to take time, just how long would the chiefs entertain them--

Her pondering was interrupted by a sharp beeping sound.

Min Yoongi took a long, lungs-clattering breath. The reaction was instantaneous, Jeongguk and Taehyung immediately surged forward, and Yumi felt her own heartbeat speeding up. Distantly, she heard the mess the heads were making. But before she could do something, the beeping sound quickly dropped. Startled, she blinked at the monitor and wondered if it was broken when it started beeping yet again.

This time it took a minute or two before the beeping stopped and the monitor indicated a stable heartbeat. 

Yumi couldn't help but think that this had gone quicker than it had gone for Taehyung, and her anxiety went down. But still, what...

"W-what was that?!"

"Is he dying now?"

"No, he looks stable..."

"Hey, you!" The doctor jumped as the chiefs cut short their discussion, getting pushed forward by one of them, "Go check his vitals. Tell us what you see!"

The doctor stumbled forward, staring at the team with fright. He grimaced as he took Yoongi's wrist, "Pulse is... okay... breathing..."

"It's going to take some time to kick in--" Jimin started, then halted when the hybrids jumped and recoiled at his voice.

"... this is going to be a long day,"

The chiefs muttered a few things, and then one snapped, "So? What's the verdict?"

The doctor mumbled a few things under his breath, opening and looking into the still body's eyes. Yumi squinted at him, studying the shape of his ears to his skin, trying to guess what his animal counterpart was. She still wasn't any good at it.

The doctor noticed her gaze and flinched. Yumi quickly averted her eyes, "He... he is not at risk of dying now, anyway..." He muttered.

"What?" The tiger chief said sharply, "Not at risk of dying now? So he will die later?"

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