Chapter 53 (FINALLE)

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The first thing the chiefs said when they made it back was, "Oh, so you made it back."

It kind of pissed Jeongguk off, how they were almost expecting them to die again. But there was resignation in their eyes now, so he knew they had started administering the antidote to the other sick patients. They got a hold of the remedy before sending them off to space.

"A bill for the pact between the terrestrials and aquas has been passed." The head of the rabbit clan said stiffly.

"And...?" Jeongguk drawled, gesturing to the humans behind him.

The chief took a deep breath, "And so has a bill for the pact between Earthians and Plutoians... and allowing them home here,"

Jeongguk felt his face ache with the effort it took to hold in his grin. He didn't even have to look at the humans to know the look on their faces.

The head of the tiger clan came over and took Taehyung, muttering about his old house and his hysterical friends. He gave a concerned one over to the team, mouthing "Be careful" before allowing himself to be dragged away.

"About the pact with the Aquas... I'd have expected it to. That small vial is not enough for the entire population, you're going to need help from the fish," Jeongguk snarked back. He and the humans would have followed Taehyung's words even without him mouthing them out.

"You think you're a hero now, don't you?" The head said grumpily, "Too late, kiddo. You still have a criminal record, forget about taking my place now,"

Jeongguk was way too happy to accept the punishment. He was never interested in politics anyway, and after seeing the dark circles under the chief's eyes, evidence of just how much the guy had worn himself out by the previous ordeals, he lost what little interest he had.

"I was never interested in controlling a loud mob of angry animals," He said, shrugging, "So good enough for me."

The chief's ears twitched. Taking a deep breath, he said calmly, "Well, the clan is excited to see you."

Jeongguk's heart lurched to his throat. His clan... it had been a while since he could refer to someone as that. He opened his mouth, ready to say goodbye to everyone before he thought better. 

"What about them?" He nodded toward the humans standing behind him.

The chief's ears twitched more than ever, "A place has been arranged for them."

"Cool. I'll follow them there before visiting the clan,"

"Is that necessary?"

"Oh, yeah. Definitely."

Jeongguk gave him a tight smile as the head glowered slightly at the ground before reciting the location. He couldn't trust everyone just yet. He was following this place they were taking them to and ensuring it was safe and not in the same layout as the carnivores or something. Who knew what shit they might pull once they had the humans cornered.

A little part of his brain whispered he was paranoid, and he thought about it. Okay, yes he was paranoid, but he just returned from a soul-escaping mission in a deadly sea and just brought back his near-dead friends. He'd earned himself the right to be just a little paranoid.

And the place was okay, he supposed.

It took one fifteen-minute drive to reach there, with the rabbit chief muttering if he "was trusted with responsibility by anyone at all." The house was only a temporary shelter, he'd said, and Jeongguk had to admit it was fine. He couldn't do much about the guards standing on either side of the front door, but there were no immediate dangers in that single bedroom, single kitchen and single bathroom home. And the toilets were nice too. Better than the ones in the spaceship, anyway.

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