Chapter 52

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"I regret this," Taehyung muttered, face turning green.

"I mean," Jeongguk said, upside down, "This is kind of fun,"

"Fun," Taehyung sniffed, "Does someone have a spare cover? I feel sick again."

"Can't you just reuse your previous bag?"

"You want me to open a bag with vomit floating in it?"

"Take this." Han Yumi glided over, shoving a black cover into Taehyung's hand, "And aim well! Throw it away like how I've shown you!"

"Oh, nice stunt." She continued casually, looking at Jeongguk's upside-down position.

"What stunt? Why are you upside down?"

"You're upside down."

"I have the floor under my feet."

"There is no concept of floor and ceiling in a spaceship. But you're stepping on the lights,"

"... pull me down," he said, holding out his hand.

Yumi watched motionlessly, "There's no concept of up and down in a spaceship."

"Pull me down to where you are!"

"Just jump and try to flip yourself. Spread your arms like how I taught you,"

She chuckled as he pulled back his hand with an affronted look, barely managing to upright himself with his hair sticking out in all directions.

"You should've trimmed it." She chastised, pointing at his long hair that he somehow got in his mouth, "You look like a mad scientist with your hair flying like that."

He blew at his hair, "No way. I overheard someone say I look handsome in it. I'm dying with this hair if I can help it."

"As you please." She rolled her eyes, secretly agreeing with his clan, "Want me to braid it?"

"Shut up. Where's the Cupola again? I want to see the awesome view,"

He managed to keep up with her speed, surprisingly only stumbling once or twice. She wondered if some people just had to be good at everything they try.

"Don't flap your hands, you're not a bird hybrid flying," She said.

"Blah blah blah," He rolled his eyes, losing his balance and punting into a wall.

"For fuck's sake!" He shouted as he rubbed his forehead.

"Really," she sighed, giving up and taking his hand in hers.

He jumped in surprise and almost hit his head on the ceiling. Yumi pulled slightly, rolling her eyes and ignoring the warm feeling spreading from her hand.

The cupola brought back many memories buried within her mind. Right now, they were travelling to Pluto's space station, some distance away from the planet, so they could communicate with the Earthians.

Her heart did a million summersaults per second at the very thought. It had taken almost two weeks for the public to calm down. The heads of the clans immediately held a meeting and demanded Jeongguk, Taehyung and the humans (who were locked in their old storage room) to show up too.

And so the proceedings began. Each clan seemed to have taken sides now. While some claimed that the whole business was nonsense and demanded the punishment to go as it was supposed to, others, especially the felines, claimed they achieved and helped a great deal to the population. There was a long fight where the humans interjected quite a few times. It ended with a group of rabbit and tiger hybrids camping out of the building with protest trucks, demanding they free the 'national heroes'.

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