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After that we went back up to what Ash called, "The Baddies Corner" and got back into our room. It was about 15 minutes before lights off, and I did want to look around our side of the dormitories, so I put on my jacket and left the room. Observing the hall, the lights as dim as before and roof about 7ft tall. The floor panelled with an oak sort of wood, and walls painted a dull white.

I walked down the hallway, that gave off a little creak every step you took atop it. The numbers on the doors went on; 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, etc. I heard a small noise down the end of hallway and made my way towards it. At the end of the hall was a small inn that had several bookshelf's, a comfy looking chair and a boy possibly a year or 2 older than me. He was reading a book that he seemed to have just started reading.

As he gazed over the page, I took in his details; puffed dark brown hair, dark brown almost black eyes gazing over the paper in complete focus. He was wearing what looked like a black pullover with a collared shirt under it. He had brown coloured jeans and dark grey shoes. After clicking to my senses, he was still hooked in his book, so I turned to leave. "Hey," A soft voice announced itself behind me. It wasn't startling, as his voice was actually calming. I turned back around to him looking at me.

"Hi." I said to him, he repositioned himself in his chair to get more comfortable and I took the other seat, as my legs were getting tired. "What's your name? Haven't seen you around before" he asked me, closing his book and placing it back on the shelf behind him. "I'm Amelia and yeah I got here just a few hours ago" Once I said it, he started nodding calmly.

"I love your name, it reminds me off my cat back home. Sadly can't see her anymore though" He gave me a sad smile and I wondered how he got here. And by here I mean in here. He was so sweet sounding. I wouldn't be surprised if he said it was a misplacement or something like that. "Oh and my names Carlos by the way, Room 8" Carlos was a pretty name it definitely matched his appearance. Gentle and Kind. Room 8 also happened to be right next to mine.

"Wow I've only just noticed how beautiful you are, how old are you?" he asked me. His face glowing a light pink. "Oh I'm 10" I told him, I certainly didn't act 10 but I was and physically was 10. "Cool, I'm 11 but I'm turning 12 in a few weeks" he was so chill about it made me like him as a person even more. That was when we heard an announcement call over. "Lights Out! Get to your dorms before you get in trouble!" We both smiled at each other and ran to our dorms, waving as we went inside our owns.

I walked in to Lindsey staring at me right as I entered. "Who were you talking to?" she questioned me. "Oh um- just some guy I met at the end of the hall." I didn't want to say who, since he'd probably get murdered by Lindsey's insane overprotectiveness. I gave her a weak sigh and walked to my bed. The lock of the door turned as we were locked in and I drifted off to sleep...


It's now my 2 year anniversary of being at this orphanage. It wasn't the best 2 years of my life, but I wouldn't call them bad either. There weren't any major highlights from the time but I got to talk to Carlos more and Lindsey  and Mason are still rivals to this day. Martin and Ash declared themselves dating about a year in, we all celebrated, were too loud because it was lights out and we all got our asses beat. But it was funny af.

I came to notice a week ago that each day 1/3 people I mainly talked to; Lindsey, Mason or Carlos, would say something out of the ordinary and say something like: "your eyes are so beautiful to look into" or "You'd be such a great partner to someone in the future"  these comments were a bit strange for a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds to talk about but I didn't really care. Until today...

"MILLIEEEE!!!" I woke up in a sweat to Lindsey sitting on top of me in my bed. She literally was on her knees just sitting on my legs. "AHH!" I squealled back at her in shock. My legs were aching a bit and I tried to push her off but she would not budge. "Get off her" Mason's voice called from nearby, before he pulled Lindsey off me. "Lin what the helll, my legs are so sore!" I whined at her. I made it a goal to call her Lin as it was easier to say and write.

The room now filled with complaining as Lin and Mason began arguing over me. I took this advantage to pull on a jumper and walking out. I moved down the hallway to where I met Carlos everyday. I found out his 14th birthday was in a few weeks which made me happy for him. I was 12 now and he was 13. The age gap now was decent for us to talk until people question us when he turns 14. Although I'm pretty sure only us know we talk to each other, people from mine and his rooms know we meet but don't know who with.

As I turned into the inn, there he was reading a new book. "Hey, you made it a bit late today" He made it aware to me everytime if I was late or not. It was as if to teach me to be early so one day I can say he's late but he always ends up getting here before me no matter what. "Yeah sorry, roommate was sitting on me" I told him about how Lin sat on me and then I managed to sneak out of the room. "Hey you wanna cause some drama?" he asked me with no context. Ever since started meeting with Carlos, my personality changed on a dime as we talked. He tended to call me Amelia rather than Millie which was suiting for the activities we tried to do.

"Okay so here me out... There's a group of older boys downstairs who hang outside, we can go meet them and they can get us some cameras. Then we put them in our rooms and see what happens" He said cooly. He was awesome, he came up with intriguing plans to make the days fun. "How would we get down without getting in trouble?" I asked him. He always had a perfect plan so he would have an answer for everything I could ask. "We don't wear the bands that what we do. We sneak down the stairs and blend in then we get the cams and kaboom!" His confidence boosted like 1000% and it made him sound like the coolest person I've ever met.

Of course if we were caught with our bands on down there we'd get punished and if we were caught without them on we'd get even more punished. Carlos personality was starting to rub off on this Amelia side of me and brought out my drama loving, hyper, bad kid personality out, whilst back in the dorms my Millie persona just sat in the air waiting to leave. Millie was sort of bland but stuff happened with them sometimes. But being Amelia was just so much fun. The thrill of danger in going elsewhere was incredible and the adrenaline of doing it with Carlos was absolutely worth it getting beaten by one of the maids.

We were caught once by a maid. It was quite stupid if I'm honest, we were putting a ton of salt in the dinner for that night and some kid ratted us out so we got absolutely sacked. 1. For polluting the food with salt and 2. For being downstairs. We didn't even have out bands on which got us in even more problems. Let's just say Lin and the rest of my dorm didn't get an answer when I arrived in the dorm for house-arrest with bruises all over my arms laughing my head off.

Me and Carlos spoke of the plan when Ash came out of nowhere. We were both just sat in our chairs and Ash just looked between both of us and didn't even question what was happening and walked off immediately. Thank god he didn't ask about what happened, thank god!
(1500 Words)

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