VIII (Expo on changes)

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*TIME SKIP! +1 YEAR (2024)
Amelia is now 13.*
+ After the events of last year, Millie was found innocent by the new Head of Orphanage; Miss Daisie. Millie was moved from the troublemaker side of the orphanage to the good side, so she can now go anywhere in the place. She is now in Room 68 with (sadly): Mason and Carlos along with a newbie called Georgia. Quick thing on Georgia is that she's mute so she is easily picked in by Mason and Carlos.

+ Since Mason and Carlos are now both close to Millie at all times now, they were able to blackmail her with her 'relationship' with Lindsey. So how Millie is 'dating' Mason and Carlos because otherwise she will be revealed to a bunch of people and hated and probably kicked out.

+Lindsey is now notorious in the Orphanage as the girl who killed 3 and then left with ease. She's also a swear and curse around the place.

E.g: "Your such a Lindsey right now!" or "Uh Oh #### has the Lindsey Curse, RUN!"

Some of the younger kids made a game called, Parker's Price. Where basically someone is 'Parker' Chase's people and if you get caught you have to give something to Parker to be freed otherwise you lose and your shamed by all the people playing.

Ash and Martin are still in Room 7 because they had nothing to do with anything lol.

Quick Ages now:
Amelia: 13
Mason: 14
Carlos: 15
Georgia: 13
Lindsey: 14
??????(hehe): 13.5
Miss Daisie: 35

Btw Miss Daisie was named after my irl friend who has been reading all of these and giving me motivation to write these :D
ty DaLoMi55
(295 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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