Chapter 2

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Johanna Mason Pov

The color blue caught my attention as I was about to close the door to my hotel room. The blue silk dress hugged the curves of the woman standing at the elevator. She seemed visibly upset as she frantically pushes the elevator button. I didn't understand why until I saw a man angrily stormed out of his room with nothing but his robe on. He follows her to the elevator and pushes her in, causing her to gasp in shock.

Before I could stop my feet from going I ran as fast as I could to stop the doors from closing. "Hey, asshole. Didn't your shitty mother tell you that if you can't afford any luxury brands then you shouldn't touch it and get it dirty with your musty hands?" I slammed him into the glass wall with a large enough force to pull him off the frightened and caught off guard flower of a woman.

"You fucking BITCH" he slurs as he realizes that I straight up embarrassed him in front of the lady he has been trying sway all night long. He tried lunging at me but didn't count the fact that the woman standing beside him could also deliver her own form of attack, which she did. Her fist met his face in a loud thud that left me in awe and him in a coma.

My mouth stood open while she flicked her hair out of her face and over her shoulder. The ding of the elevator doors opening pulled me out of my thoughts. She pushes past me and continues to walk away as if nothing happened. "Well you're fucking welcome!!" I yell after her.


The next day as I was rushing my tributes out of the room I noticed a gift basket sitting outside the door. It was filled with good and expensive boos and a couple of baked goods - topped with a blue bow. There was a note as well. All it said was thanks.

"Wow, that's a pretty dry and shitty way to thank someone" Blight finally makes himself known behind me as he reads the note and looks over the basket. "But hey, pastries!" the pig grabs a pastry causing me to punch him in the eye - giving him a nice semi permanent tattoo called a black eye. 

The Woman In BlueOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz