Chapter 6

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Y/n's Pov

I cringed at my outfit. The skirt and bra top were made out of the same material as Finnicks 'outfit' but the difference was that my skirt was shorter and my accessories were far more feminine and lighter in weight compared to what he was wearing. The boots were thigh high and brown as for the belt it did its job. Light and dark brown coral hair clips kept my hair half up - from the back it appeared to look like a coral crown. But at least my makeup was decent.

I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled a face. As I was looking at myself I noticed a familiar face reflecting in the mirror. I turned and there she was - the emo, grinning at me like an idiot . I flicked my attention to my phone and quickly began typing away to hopefully get a response from Finnick who was nowhere to be seen. To calm my nerves I took two pink strawberry flavored mints - letting them melt in my mouth and began walking to the pit to get ready for the parade.

"Finnick... where are you? Why aren't you answering my texts?" I whispered to myself - looking around and feeding the chariot horses sugar cubes. "Ow, that was my finger. You're lucky that you're cute" I boop the horse on the nose. "Ha shame" I turned around with an unamused expression - ugh it was angst emo. I just rolled my eyes and looked around to see Finnick talking to the 74th victor, Katniss.

"Wow, you haven't changed" Johanna spoke up, walking in front of me - crossing her arms with a slacked jaw. I snicker, looking anywhere but her. I won't lie - she was extremely hot. Her red highlights, dark brown hair, and green eyes were in my opinion mouth watering. But she was a pain in my ass, say the least. She didn't mind her own business and expected a thank you in return - she shredded months of work, which resulted in Snow becoming extremely angry, so I went back to my district to find the 'friends' who I stopped seeing to save their live, dead in a creek near the fishing bay - fucking ass hole.

I Ignore her and walk over to a nearby seat. I sat down twiddling with my thumbs, now realizing that finishing my up coming album would be a fucking waste of time. "You know for someone who has a pretty face, you're kind of an ass hole" the emo pain in my neck spoke - taking an unwanted seat next to me. "You think I'm pretty?" I say in a teasing manner. "That's all you got from what I just said? Did you miss the ass hole part?" she says - eyeing me up and down with a judgy look. I scoff. "You're not quite a sweet heart yourself, hon" I cross my legs looking her in the eyes that matches her crooked grin.

"Well I never said I was nice. Do I look like a fucking sugar cube to you?" she barked back with sarcasm lacing her speech. I just laughed. "No. No you don't. In fact you look like a walking bag of salt" I mock. Her eyes become narrow causing me to think that she might just punch me in the face. But she just cackles with me. "I would rather look like a bag of salt than a sweet delectable treat for shitty men" she says with all means to take a dig at me. But I couldn't help but laugh with her. She wasn't fucking wrong but still ouch.

Our laughter slowly dies while we both wait for our male tributes. "I'm sorry about your friends back home" Johanna suddenly says. My eyes widen - I whip my head back to her - her eyes already looking at me. "Their deaths were all over Tv. Finnick told me that they were your friends and that you began to ignore them to hopefully keep them alive but... when you got back Snow was not happy and well he did what he did to most of us after our games. I'm also sorry for being one of the causes of their deaths" she spoke timidly - out of character for her I thought.

"I didn't know and I most certainly did not think twice before I ruined what you worked extremely hard on" she looked sad and generally sorry. "Eh, it was going to be another shitty love song... so why be upset?" I reply, watching her reaction closely. "My friends died you are right but what can I do about it now? I'm going to die in that arena anyways, so I'll join them" I added while playing with my hair. For a good minute silence stayed between us until we both started to laugh.

"The first time you speak to me and this is how it goes? what the actual fuck! That got emotional far too quickly" Johanna cackled beside me as I wheeze. I calm myself. "Okay then lets restart. I'm Y/n Odair and you are?" I held out my hand. "I'm Johanna Mason" she shakes my hand with no sense of seriousness causing another round of laughter to fill our space. "hmm, well see you around, Bluey" she gets up and walks over to Blight who waits patiently at their chariot. Bluey?

"Oh right these are for you" Johanna tossed me a pack of strawberry flavored mints. "Thanks, emo" I smile as Johanna throws back her head and laughs. "Nicknames? Now that better make us friends" she says before disappearing in the crowd. 

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