Chapter 5

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Y/n's Pov

I was too angry and slightly embarrassed to see that emo woman again. She was short tempered, had a mouth, and was my least favorite person. She must of thought she saved my ass in that elevator years ago but wasn't she fucking wrong. She ruined my chance to learn more about Snow and what he did to my 'missing' parents. I just wanted to know where he at least dumped their remains.

Oh, right Johanna was her name. My brother reminded me of who she was when she appeared on the screen in front of us while we were on the train to the capital with no tributes to mentor but ourselves and our escort Lin. I was beyond the feelings of sadness and even fear when I heard of the news for the 75th quarter quill - I mean we all were. Annie broke down, Mags was stunned, and Finnick tried to pull Annie out from her dark place. Both our houses stunk of fear.

When I heard Mags name echo from the mic, I spoke before I could think - "Live the rest of your life in peace" I told her as we said our last goodbyes. She deserved more than that but still I would never want to lose her in that arena, along with Annie who was basically a sister to me. She was too kind to be handed over to the wolves again. The red thorn less rose I called her. Red hair, beautiful green eyes, and gentle soul - Annie was a rose but without the thorns that could prick you if you touched it. She was the thermal controller of Finnicks ocean and my beautiful reason to build more on my communication skills that pulled me out of the darkness of my house and start a new hobby, which was gardening. Annie did not deserve to be thrown in that hell hole and lose pieces of herself or even die.

"Hello?" Finnick waved his hand in front of my face as I spaced out of the window - completely forgetting that the screen had gone. I snap out of it as the sound of the capital people roars from outside the train. Finnick crouches in front of me and takes my hands into his own - I fight back the urge to pull away as his big brother bear eyes look into my scared and trembling little chick pair. I wanted to go home - back to my nest where all was fine and well.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, and I most definitely wanted to burn the capital to the ground. "One two and three. All you have to do is one smile, two breathe, and three ready yourself for the mic. That is all you have to do until we get to our hotel room" Finnick spoke softly and gently. I smiled the best that I could and squeezed his hands before waltzing out there with cameras flashing and people cheering. I just hoped and prayed that at least Finnick makes it out alive without myself having to be anywhere near that emo. 

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