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♬ Coming Down - The Weeknd

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♬ Coming Down - The Weeknd.


I was many things, but not a patient man.

Which is exactly why I am extremely close to ripping blondies head off.

"I told you, I have no idea where she is." She crosses her arms, blue eyes challenging me. "She went to the LSAT and then went out again."

"Did she take the car?" I question, readjusting in my seat as my eyes narrow.

"No, and as I said," She points out. "I haven't been able to reach her since she went out."

"And I'm late for a meeting, so I'm going."

"You're not going anywhere until I know where the fuck my wife is."

She groans before muttering something under her breath, "Look, maybe she just needed some time from all this. Don't assume the worst."

Until I have confirmation that she's safe and sound, I'm going to assume the very worst.

"She said the test went well, she'll be getting the results in a few weeks." Her voice softens as she speaks after a while.

I was supposed to hear that from her, not Emory.

I need her.

I have the whole fucking city looking for her, I don't care if she never wants to see me again, I just need to know she's safe.

"You're not even worth it."

If I could take those words back, I would do it a hundred times, because It simply wasn't true. She's worth more than I'll ever deserve, I need her to know that.

"Boss, boss!" A distant voice nears me as my eyes move to the door. He places a hand on the doorframe, leaning against it as he catches his breath.

Emory takes a sidestep, moving away from him as he collects himself.

"We-" He wheezes and Emory purses her lips while I start losing my patience.

"We looked at her last seen location, it was West 24 Street so we checked the footage of a shop in it-"

"We saw her getting kidnapped,"

Blood roars in my ears as utter rage fills my body.

"-Oslov's men took her."

My fingernails dig into my palms, I don't stop, even when I feel the skin break.

"That's not all, he sent us a message."



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