xiv. a date with the stars

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As two members of a famous group, the two lovers rarely had the occasion to go on dates — especially because apart from them, no one knew that they were in a relationship yet. It had already been a few weeks and yet, they had managed to keep it a secret from all of their members.

Neither of them were keen about having to hide their relationship from the people who they were the closest to but there was something reassuring about it. Even Heeseung agreed that not telling anyone about it was sometimes comforting in the sense that if something went wrong, no one would ever know.

There was also something exhilarating about the secret touches and the silent glances they have each other in presence of other members. At times, they felt like two teenagers in love because of it.

But although the opportunity to escape from their lives together was limited, they still managed to do it. When their members were out of town for example, or when they were busy with brand deals that didn't concern the others. Between the two of them, an unspoken agreement had settled that those days had to be dedicated to the other.

"Are you almost ready?" Heeseung asked as he sat in the chair next to Aeri and started to observe her applying a final coat of mascara.

"Mhm," she hummed, a small smile making its way onto her face in excitement.

Heeseung dragged his chair even closer to her and rested his face on the palm of his hand.

Often times, when he found himself lost in her eyes, he had to remind himself that Aeri was a real person and not a pure creation of his mind. Because of her astonishing beauty, be never managed to shake the feeling that she was something out of a dream, as if she belonged in another world altogether.

It had left him dumbfounded the first time he had encountered her and still never failed to make his heartbeat quicken.

Feeling his persistant gaze on her, she turned her face in his direction. "You have a staring problem," she joked, putting the lipstick wand she was rubbing against her lips back in its tube.

He only rolled his eyes, his smile remaining stuck on his face as if it was his standard facial expression.

Both getting up from their seats, they walked to the entrance, taking advantage of the empty dorms to tease each other during the small walk.

Aeri crouched to put her shoes on and as soon as she straightened her legs to get up, she felt Heeseung's lips on hers. "My lipstick isn't dry yet," she complained.

She couldn't help but laugh when she noticed the slight tint on his lips caused by their kiss. She brought her hands to his face and tried to wipe the color from his lips but no matter what she tried, the tint on his lips stayed.

"Don't act like it wasn't on purpose, you wore that lipstick to brand me," he accused her, not even trying to hide his smile.

"You caught me," she fake-gasped.

He laughed and kissed her once more, not caring about the state of his lips before they both left the place.

"Where are we going?" Aeri asked the boy as they walked in direction of a place she didn't know, hand-in-hand.

"You'll see," he simply told her, continuing to lead her to the unknown. She let out a little whine in response.

The sky was already dark because of the sun selflessness and so, the only light they had was coming from the moon and the flash of Heeseung's phone.

Having no idea of the location of their date, she hadn't foreseen that their walk there would be as eventful and rocky as it was. He had warned her of it when she took her heels out of the shoe box but she'd been too stubborn to listen to him. To say that she regretted it would be an understatement — she would not admit that to him though, she cold already see his expression if she did.

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