9 | Don't be shy, partner

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Valeria sat at her desk, gazing out the window as she awaited another grueling chemistry class to begin, her face cradled in her hands.

There were no earrings on her ears because her hoop was still missing. It was just a matter of time before Amelia noticed she wasn't wearing them, and then what? She would be so disappointed.

"Good morning, class," Ms. Davis greeted as she entered the classroom with her usual stern expression.

Valeria made an effort to focus on Mr. Davis's words. "Good morning," she said with the rest of the students.

"Today, we'll tackle some problems in preparation for your upcoming exam, and, as usual, these problems will count towards your grade."

At the mention of the word 'exam', Valeria couldn't help but cringe. She had promised her mother that she'd improve after the D on the last quiz, but now, she wasn't so sure that had been the greatest idea.

"While it holds minimal weight," Ms. Davis explained. "Acing these problems could sway my final decision if I'm uncertain about what grade to give you by the term's end. Consider it an incentive for my leniency. You'll work in pairs, each with unique problems, so don't get any ideas."

Hope flooded Valeria's chest like a divine light. She could pair with Mina. Maybe, for once, she could have a good group experience and get a good grade in chemistry since Mina had said she was good at it.

"So please," Ms. Davis continued. "Those in the first and third rows, turn around. Your partners are seated directly behind you."

Valeria's hope turned into cold, cruel ice and then shuttered into a million, tiny pieces.

Her seat was in the third row. And seated directly behind her was—

"Don't be shy, partner. I don't bite."

Cursing the universe and Ms. Davis, Valeria turned around to find Nicholas grinning at her. She spun back to face the front.

"You're supposed to turn around, partner. We're supposed to work together at my desk."

Valeria ignored his comment.

As Ms. Davis walked past, she left a sheet of problems on Valeria's desk. She picked it up, scanning the questions. Six in total, each with sub-questions and no multiple-choice options. All of them ended with a taunting "Justify your answer."

"Do you mind sharing? I want to see the problems too."

"Why don't you just shut up and let me do the work?" Valeria said without even turning to him.

"Tempting. But I refuse to have a D." He got up from his chair, leaned in, and snatched the sheet from her.

"Fine." She turned to face him. "Then you do the work."

"You wish. I'm not working for you."

"Pendejo," Asshole, she muttered to herself.

"What was that?" he asked as he wrote in his notebook, before putting the sheet down on the desk.

"I said, 'Of course, Nicholas, we're going to do this together, like the partners that we are,'" she said with fake sympathy.

Valeria finally turned her chair toward Nicholas's desk, nudging aside his pencil case and calculator to make room for her things. Calmly, Nicholas relocated the items to the other side of the desk.

They both reached for the sheet of problems at the same time, but neither of them let go. Their eyes locked, and they stayed like that for a moment too long, stuck in a staring contest neither was willing to lose.

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