21 | Mr. Grayson

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"It's getting late," Amelia remarked, her gaze flicking to the clock on the kitchen wall. "If he doesn't arrive soon, we will miss the last bus."

Amelia and Valeria sat in anticipation alongside Nicholas in the kitchen of the Palacio, waiting for Mr. Grayson's arrival. He was expected two hours earlier, but his flight had been delayed.

"You don't have to wait," Nicholas murmured, his eyes fixed on his BlackBerry. "It's not your fault he's late."

Valeria glanced at Amelia, silently waiting for the verdict.

"We'll wait a few more minutes."

Valeria slumped into her chair, resigning herself to the inevitable—they were so gonna miss the bus.

As the minutes stretched on she couldn't help but notice the absence of the spark she had seen in Nicholas lately. His attention seemed entirely absorbed by his phone, and there was none of it left for her. It was surprisingly disappointing.

"What are you doing?" she asked, mustering enough excitement into her voice for the both of them.

Nicholas looked up briefly, his expression distant, before returning his gaze to the screen. "Nothing really."

Valeria's heart sank at his lackluster response. She had hoped for some semblance of attention, but it seemed Nicholas was lost in a world that didn't include her.

"We have to go, or we'll miss the bus," Amelia finally said, her voice carrying a note of urgency. "Grab your things, Valeria."

She rose from her chair, casting one last glance at Nicholas, who remained engrossed in his device.

"Nicholas, when your dad arrives, ask Isla to take care of everything, OK?" Amelia said as she readied to leave. "The stew is ready, the table is set. All she has to do is serve the stew."


Isla was one of the housekeepers at the Palacio, though her presence was much more noticeable when Mr. Grayson was in town. When he was out of town, Amelia usually didn't need any help in the kitchen.

As Amelia and Valeria left, headlights illuminated the gardens of the Palacio, causing them to pause in their tracks. Without hesitation, Amelia rushed back inside, and Valeria followed suit.

"He's here," Amelia announced to Nicholas, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and urgency.

Nicholas barely reacted, his attention still seemingly elsewhere.

"Come on, Nicholas, your dad has arrived," Amelia insisted, her tone bordering on frustration.

"I'm on my way."

Amelia shook her head in disapproval and reached out to grab Nicholas by the arm, pulling him up from his seat. She straightened his shirt with a motherly touch as if he were a child in need of guidance.

"I want to see you smile," Amelia urged, her tone softer now, but still firm.

Nicholas mustered the most forced smile imaginable, his lips twitching awkwardly.

Valeria walked slowly after her mother's hurried steps to the front door, but Nicholas still managed to beat her to it, his feet dragging lazily, but at least he wasn't glued to his phone anymore.

They stepped out into the night, the cool air enveloping them as Max, the driver, emerged from the car and began unloading Mr. Grayson's luggage from the trunk. Mr. Grayson remained seated in the back, his hand gripping his phone.

"Max!" Valeria rushed over to him and enveloped him in a warm hug. Max, towering over her with his impressive height, returned the embrace, his arms encircling her like a protective bear. "Welcome back."

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