12 | What are your intentions with my daughter?

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The day Nicholas made Valeria clean his car, the day he threw her into the pool, that's the day he found her missing earring. Something golden on the bottom of the pool caught his eye. Instant recognition struck, and without giving it a thought, he jumped into the water to retrieve it. He held the hoop in the palm of his hand, and that's when Amelia showed up, demanding he get out of the water.

He knew how much the earrings meant, not only for Valeria but for Amelia too. So he was going to return it, but Valeria followed them, full of urgency that they were going to miss the bus because it was the worst thing in the world to lose the bus.

Suddenly, he didn't want to give the earring back to her anymore. He abandoned it on his bedside table, planning on returning it to Amelia the next day. Yet, that very night, he found himself absentmindedly toying with it while lying in bed, thinking about nothing and everything all at once. It quickly turned into a habit, so he kept putting it off. But it was time to return it if that was what would get Valeria to trust him.

A strange sensation bloomed within Nicholas's chest as he witnessed Valeria's reaction upon finding her small accessory. Her finger, trembling slightly, traced the curve of the earring. The sight of her tearful eyes and the subtle curve of a relieved smile stirred something inside him, which could only have been satisfaction that his plan would work. What else could it possibly be?

When she stepped out of the kitchen she had a dumb smile on her face, and her gaze was fixed on the hoop in her hand like she was fearful that it might vanish if she dared to look away.

As a door closed with a faint click, Amelia swiftly made her way to the kitchen door, ensuring the coast was clear. Her voice sliced through the air, calling out Nicholas's name with an uncharacteristic edge, making him lift his gaze from his notebook.

"I'd like to talk to you about something."

"Talk away." He attempted to maintain his composure, but Amelia's tone and the way she was looking at him like he owed her something were unnerving him.

"It's about your father." She wiped her hands on a kitchen towel before settling into Valeria's vacant chair. "And Valeria."

Nicholas shifted in his seat. Was it possible that Amelia somehow knew about his dirty plan? He wanted to say something to make himself look innocent, but he was scared he would shoot himself in the foot, so he said nothing.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while now, but I admit I've been putting it off. There's no easy way of saying this, so here goes. What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Suddenly, it was very hot. Nicholas tried very hard to keep calm. "My intentions? Why would I have any intentions at all?"

"So you don't like her? Romanticly, I mean."

"No!" His voice had risen two octaves. He wanted to add he didn't like her at all, but he figured it was better left unsaid.

"You're not interested in dating her then?"

"Of course I'm not! Why would I want that? We're so different. No."

Amelia's lips pressed into a thin line, and for a moment, Nicholas feared he had said the wrong thing. But then, her expression softened.

"Good," she breathed out, a soft laugh slipping from her lips as though her worries were fleeing her body.

Nicholas felt a slight sting of offense, though it quickly dissipated as Amelia's demeanor shifted. Her smile remained, but it lacked its usual warmth. It was the smile of a wolf in sheep's clothing, trying to ease you before they leaped with bared teeth.

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