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"California girls, we're unforgettable Daisy Dukes bikinis on top!" I want to bash my head into the car window. Antonio and Fernando have been singing, non. Stop.

"Callate" My mom gives them the look in the mirror above, and they instantly go quiet.
(Be quiet)

"Are we almost there yet?" Antonio asks in a little kid's voice while poking our mom's arm.

"Like I said, callate and be patient." My mom is something else. She is the sweetest, kindest person ever and at the same time the scariest.

As for my dad, he's always just laid back with no worries.

My dad turns around from the passenger seat to look at Antonio. "10 minutes left hijo."

"Will they be there when we get there?" I ask. I miss Stella and Sky, we talk and Facetime during the year but not as much as we would like. It just gets busy with school and everything.

"No, their flight got delayed." My dad responds glancing at Mom, they exchange a look before suddenly acting all quiet.

"What? Why are you guys acting weird?" I lean forward into the center console looking between them.

"Were not, how could you ever think that." My dad slaps a hand to his chest and makes a funny face of disbelief.

"Boys and Lina, you guys know Mrs. Hayes's son Ethan right?" My mom asks once again looking in the mirror at us.

I've never met Ethan.

I know absolutely nothing about him actually or even what he looks like.

Which is odd. I mean sure he's never gone to the house in the summers due to him staying with his dad every summer but you would think I've at least seen him once or met him once, right? Nope. Nada.

"We know about him but we don't know him at all," Fernando responds in a curious tone.

"Okay well..." She pauses and we all are on the edge of our seats in anticipation. " he will be joining us this summer!" I instantly slump back into my seat.

This cannot happen, the whole point of this summer house is to come together after a long school year and relax with the same people we have been with forever.

This is pretty much the only constant in my life, something concrete I can predict what will happen.

I don't like change or adapting. It's just hard for me. I don't really know why but it just is.

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