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"My shell is even prettier." I retort back, holding the shell up to his face so he can see it nice and clear.

He thinks for a second before shoving his shell in my face like I had done to him. "But here's the thing, Lina-"

He uses my nickname and something swirls in my stomach but I quickly shut it down.

"-mine has stripes on it." He matter factly states.

We have been in a competition for the last 20 minutes to find the prettiest shell and so far were both getting a few good finds, of course, I have more though.

Scoffing at his shell, I turn my gaze to the ocean, the waves are pretty big and the sunset is as colorful as ever.

Ethan plops down next to me on the towel, our arms brush lightly and i shift a little to the left.

We sit in a comfortable silence just watching the sunset.

"My shell is still better." He whispers into my ear.

"Yeah, whatever." I look away before a smile appears on my face.

"Don't worry sunny, we have all summer to find the perfect shell. Even though we both know I'll win don't let that stop you from trying." His shoulder lightly bumping mine.

"Oh really? What makes you think you will win?" I turn to him slightly leaning in, he does the same.
"See the birds flying over there." He gestures over my shoulder, i whip my head behind me and see absolutely no birds.

I'll humor him, just this once. "Oh those ones?" I point somewhere into the distance.

"Yeah, those ones." He says just over a whisper. "They tell me everything" I will say Ethan Hayes is quite the character. "Especially where the best shells are."

"If you say so." I shrug, slowly standing up and packing my things up as the sunset is already gone.

"Game on?" He stands holding his hand out.

"You are going to regret this." I shake his hand.

I relax my hand to let go but he simply holds on. "You can let go of my hand now."

"I can?." He is still holding my hand, this is getting a bit weird. I'm not the biggest fan of physical touch if you can't tell.

"Any day now." I try to have some patience.

"Any day." He repeats back.

I snatch my hand away without a word, heading back to the house.

I start getting ready for my dance class around 7.

I love it, as an ex-competitive dancer all throughout middle school and some of high school it's nice to get back into dance.

Every summer, twice a week, 2 hours.
I practice when I have time at home as well, pretty much just off of a YouTube video or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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