Missing: Part 1

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Hey guys, sorry this one took so long to write. I just kept wanting to add more and more things to it and then it had too many things so I had to go back and edit it until it was something I was happy with. I will be going back to college next year so I've been busy preparing for that and we're selling our house so we're cleaning/repairing/painting everything.

Anyway I apologize once again for making you wait this long and I really hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for being patient and Stay Awesome!

Skylor's P.O.V.:

I was with the backup junior ninja team at the treehouse. They showed me around and I setup a police scanner for them.

"There, now if anyone sees anything about Jett, you'll be the first to know." I said.

"Thanks Officer Smith." Cass said. "I tried to download one, but it didn't work as well."

"Yeah those apps only pick up the unimportant calls." I said.

Maizy came into the treehouse carrying a baby girl in a carrier.

"Sorry I'm late everyone." Maizy apologized.

"Uhh whose baby is that?" I asked.

"Oh this is Sofia, my cousin." She said holding the baby's hand. "Aunt Tammy got called into work and my uncle's out of a town for a teacher's conference so I had to take her with me."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, Sofia comes on our missions all the time." Trip said.

"If anything happens, I can use my forcefield to protect us both." Maizy assured me.

"Alright, if you're sure." I said.

"Attention all units, we got an 11-83 on 12th Street downtown. All available units respond." The scanner said.

"Officer Smith responding, I'll be right there over." I said to my walkie talkie.

"What's an 11-83?" Oliver asked.

"It's our code for a car accident." I told them. "It's weird though, usually they only call for backup on those when it's a bad pileup or a stolen car, but if it was they would have said that."

"Then we better check it out." Trip said.

"My squad car can only fit four of you." I said to them.

"Don't worry, I prefer to walk." Katie said stretching. "And by walk, I mean run."

"Yeah, and I can just take mini Rex." Jazmine said.

"Mini Rex?" I questioned.

"It's easier if I just show you." She said.

I followed them outside the treehouse until they led me to a little shed in the back. We went inside and saw a small ship.

"You built this?" I asked.

"Yeah, mainly out of scrap metal my dad had. It's not as good as his ship, but at least it's mine." Jazmine said.

"Ok, Jazz and I will take the mini Rex, you guys take the car, and Katie will meet us there." Maizy said.

"Katie, I don't think running into an active scene isn't the best idea." I said. "We have no idea what's going on there."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She frowned. "Fine, I'll ride with you, but can we blow the siren?"

"Sure, hop in." I said.

Maizy, Sophia and Jazmine took off in the jet and I piled Katie, Trip, Oliver, and Cass into my car. I turned on the siren and we headed for downtown.

Ninjago Generations: Part 4Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu