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I don't know your name
How r u feeling these days?
Traveling to my memories
Things you want to erase
How r u feeling these days?

The wind was hitting her face as she ride her scooter after completing her last delivery order. She was heading home, the roads almost cleared, fog covering the city and only the sounds of few vehicles in a distance audible.

She stop at the red traffic light, despite none traffic or any other cars present, she didn't crossed the red light only because she would get a fine and she did not have the money for it so why not just wait for sometime.

After waiting for what felt like eternity, the lights turn green and she started her scooter and rode off to her house.

Parking the scooter beside her door, she tiredly step to the doorway and take out the keys. As she was trying the keys on her door, she heard fade footsteps. Sensing someone behind, she immediately turn around but saw no one.

This happens every time. She think of it as her mind playing games with her. She was way too tired and she was probably imagining.

She get inside and locked her door trying not to make a sound and slowly sly footed towards her room. As she reach the knob, she flinch at the sudden voice.

"Again late." She turn around putting a fake wide smile on her face as she speak, "Just got some work overload Ria." Her dorm mate was not having it as she tap her foot on the ground continuously.

Eliana! How many times I had told you that atleast come home on time so I don't create the worst scenarios in mind about you." Ria said as she fold her hand on her chest. "I need to work for money Ria." She said simply and without another glance at her best friend, she walk in her room closing the door behind her.

Ria sigh and went to her own room relieved atleast that her friend is at home safely. Eliana toss her bag to the chair and take off her almost ripped shoes and drop herself on the bed. Tears leave her eyes and soak in the pillows as it slowly started raining outside.

She whisper looking at the cracked ceiling, "Why did you leave me so early mom dad!" She swipe her hand on the cold sheets. "There's no one to warm me up mom...hug me please..." She sob hard thinking of the things she want to talk about, her work, her scary neighborhood where atleast a person dies every night, her expenses, her worn out heart, her only brother.

"Mom...brother left me alone too...he did not fulfill your last wish of keeping me safe...
Warm tears leave her eyes as she sob into the mattress.

Just like that she slept complaining to the ceiling all night.


In the morning, she woke up with the most worst headache ever. This was her routine, working her ass off whole day to earn money to live and eat, and come home and cry to sleep. What a wonderful routine...

She pick up her phone and check the time, she jumped on her feet when she realize she is late to university. She splash the cold water on her face while brushing her teeth. In five minutes she came out and open the broken big closet of hers that even had holes in it.

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