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*Double update because i want to finish it asap*

His blank wide eyes staring into mine as my hand is still curled around the scissor which is in his thigh now. The other hand on the table as I'm half standing infront of him. My hand grow warm and wet causing me to look down.

My eyes snap down to my bloody hand around the scissor, it all happened so fast before I could grasp the situation. My senses went alert when his hand grasp my arm. I let out a shriek and pushed his chest with my both hands causing his chair to fall backwards with him along.

As he land on the ground with a grunt, my ears perked up on the jingling of keys. I was so scared to even near his groaning figure and the dark red liquid spreading on the carpet making me gag. I make a run towards the door only to fall down.

I look back to see him holding my foot, I tried kicking him but his nails dug in my skin making me groan out in pain. I cried out when I sense him crawling towards me. "You bitch...I'll make sure to kill you today..." His voice churning my heart in fear.

Instead of struggling, I take him by surprise and crawl like a cockroach towards him and take hold of the scissor and push it more deep earning an agonizing scream from him. He pulled my hair back and slam my head to the ground but it didn't cause anything as the floor was carpeted.

I gasp and kick his chest with my foot and he loosen his grip from my hair. Spotting the keys dangling from his side pocket, I attack his pocket. The key finally in my hands.

"You little piece of shit....! He groan profusely as he crawl so fast towards me, with his one leg dragging on the ground. I let out a scream in fear taking his angry facade that make me wither in horror.

Before he can come more close. I grab hold of the steel kettle that was resting on the counter beside me and slam it to his head. His hands grasp his head as he drop on the ground between my spread legs.

Silence. Only silence in the whole house with my breathing causing disruption in the silence. My heart beating wild while my mind still catching up everything that happened. I look down to the keys in my hand and slowly stood up clutching the keys so it won't make sound.

Once on my trembling feet, I hop from above him and run towards the front door. My hands trembling while the keys makes a jingling sound when I tried unlocking it. Praying that he won't wake up.

A cry wreck out of me once i succeed in opening the door. The cold air hitting my face. I was wearing nothing but just a single woolen shirt with tights. Bare footed I run out laughing and crying that I'm finally free from his grasp. I look up to see my friend, my only one that never fails to support me.

The moon that was following above me...


Namjoon as in block 4 tapping his foot nervously waiting for his other member to join him. His fingers running through his dark brown hair making it messy. As the door opened, he sigh in relief as his elder came in with a small smirk on his face.

"Where were you for so long block 2!" Block 4 grumble agitatedly. His whining fall on deaf ears while block 2 mouth played with the toothpick between his teeth. He drop himself on the chair beside block 4 and started examining the locations.

He point at the one location and ask, "Who is this one again?" Block 4 reply with a sigh. "It's not allowed to say but I know you are not the type to spill things. He is Boss close friend." Block 2 nod slowly and ask. "He must have a name!" Block 4 shut his eyes in frustration and said. "I don't know but boss refers him as V most of the time."

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