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Yeah you're beautiful,
don't have to try.
Darlin' you look divine.
Eyes don't lie...
-Eyes don't lie-

The school suddenly felt so small and suffocating to breathe as I stand in the hallways hearing screams from various classes.

I tried to get myself together but can't, not this shit going in my mind what if I turn or run and come face to face with the criminal itself. My luck is not also good in life.

Then remembering what I was really here for, yeah I was going to the washroom. I can just hide there for the time. I didn't think twice as I sprint towards the girls washroom, also if the criminal comes, he would most likely want to attend the boys washroom himself.

I get in the washroom, and first look around but it was silent and empty, I thought to hide in the cubicle but then I realize, the door of the washroom is opened, I silently go to the big heavy door and tried to push it close.

This shit is heavy, why isn't it closing. Probably they located heavy door in the washroom so students don't do weird shit inside but they never thought of these situation, did they? Losers.

After many attempts, I was successful in pushing the door and with a thud it closed itself further, phew I just had to push it. I turn the automatic lock two times making sure it is closed properly.

Having no energy left I slump against the wall, my heart beating in my ears as I rest but then a sort of fear settle in my guts that the criminal is in our school, the washroom wasn't enough for me to hide as I drag myself to one of the cubicles and closed the door and locked it and finally sat on the toilet seat.

Sweating and tearing up, I heave a sigh as my hands tremble from pushing the door too much. My heart thumping in my mouth as my breathing got heavier as wild thoughts run in my mind.

Sucks to be an over thinker...

I let out a moan of pain as the headache worsened, brave of me that I thought I will rest in the washroom and escape class. Class was better than this...

"Why me...?" I said whispering. "Why does all the bad things attract me the most.?" I said a bit loud as my own ears couldn't hear my voice.

Slowly as time passed, the more scared but calm I got sensing no one is thinking about the toilets and...........


My lips part in horror at the sudden creak of a door.


The sky was surrounded in dark clouds ready to pour out. The man standing infront of the big school examining it behind his sunglasses. Even in this drastic situation, he have his black shades on.

He stood strong and tall, his hawk eyes taking in every actions of the police men that are rushing in and out of the school to search for the criminal.

He smirk. Standing confidentially, his hands in his pocket. His black hair slicked back neatly from his forehead, his skin fair and his body lean and muscular.

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