Chapter 14- No catch, Just coffee!

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*Landon’s POV*

When I got back to her house I had been gone a little over an hour. I opened the front door quietly and stepped through. I stopped to listen around me. I followed the heartbeats I heard in the living room.

I walked in silently and saw Macy sitting there with her parents watching the same crappy chick flick from earlier…isn’t it over yet!? Those damn things keep getting longer and longer I swear.

Macy’s eyes snapped to me the moment I entered the room.  She automatically grabbed the remote and hit pause “It’s about time.” She said in an impatient tone. “Where are the others?” She asked.

“Ryan went for a run, probably running patrol. And Brad most likely went home.”  I answered her.

I smiled softly at them and sat down. “I thought you guys went to bed?” I asked her parents.

“We did until I came down for a drink and saw Macy pacing the living room wearing a hole in the floor. She told us what’s going on, so we waited to find out what happened.”  Todd said to me. I nodded and gave a small sad smile.

“Sooo….” Macy said obviously annoyed at my silence.

“Alright bossy boots, gimme a moment.” I said to her with a smile. Man she took after Zoey way too much! If she wasn’t my mates sister I might have gotten annoyed with her, but it reminded me too much of Zoe to care much right now. I would have to talk to her eventually about it though.

“Brad’s suspicions were correct.” I stated plainly.

“Ok tell us what you know so we can start making arrangements.” Anne said in a somber tone.

“From what we know, there is a vicious pack of rogues who are taking Alpha mates to gain land and power.  Their leader apparently has the ability to break mating bonds and rebinds them to him. Our only hope is if my mom and dad and Zoey and I are True mates.” I told them.

It felt like the air in the room dropped 20 degrees. It was easy to read every emotion in the room. They were worried, scared, pissed, and appalled. 

“And if you aren’t?” Todd asked.

“I really don’t know.” I answered him honestly.

“I don’t think they have much to worry about. After the events earlier how can they not be?” Anne answered him.

“That’s what I am banking on right now.” I told her.

We fell silent for a few minutes before Macy finally spoke. “How are you going to find out if you are or not?”

“Vance, he said he can tell or not. Brad thinks he is telling the truth, and I don’t feel as though I was being lied too. So we have to talk to Zoey about paying him a visit in the morning.” I said with a smile. “I just hope she leaves him alive long enough to get any more info out of him we can.” I added on with a small chuckle.

“Why wouldn’t she?” Anne asked.

“He called her ‘Small’ ” I told her with a smile.

Todd and Macy both started laughing, while Anne just rolled her eyes. “Oh yea he’s dead where he stands.” Todd said through his laughter.

I nodded.

We sat and talked for a few more minutes before I finally asked what I was dreading. “Todd, Anne, Do you mind if I stay here. It would put me and my wolf at ease being close to her?” I used my most respectful tone as I possibly could.

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