Chapter 4.

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We're heading out and excitement is burning in me. I was with people who share the same passion as me. I was waiting and then I saw Mitchell next to me. I looked at him and smiled. "Hi there stranger", I said smiling. "Hi there stranger", he said chuckling. We laughed and the leader announced that we are going. We went out and this is where the fun starts. 

The smell of fuel and the smell of burning rubber will be filled. The ride was starting of strong with a bunch of revs from bikes. We like to call it a challenge to see whose bike is the loudest. Me and Mitchell stayed together. My parents were behind us. We came to a stop and a question I was longing to hear was finally asked. "Hey Lindsey, can I get your number", Mitchell half screamed because of the noise. 

"Sure", I yelled back. I smiled wide and gave him my number. I was so excited. We drove till we got into the highway. Thats when the leader gave the signal that we are entering the highway. This where the fun begins. Around you people are racing, doing tricks and some are doing wheelies. As i was admiring the awesome view that's when my dad came up next to me. 

He gave me and Mitchell the sign to race. We agreed obviously. We downshifted and got ready. My dad held is fingers up. 3...2...1... We were off. Mitchell was first, then my dad I was at the back. I smiled and sifted to second and I was next to them. My dad shifted to third and so did I and Mitchell. We were next to each other. 

Next, I saw other people joined the race. This is what we bikers all fun racing against each other. We shifted into fourth then fifth. My dad and me was now head-to-head. Mitchell was behind me. I looked at my dad and smiled. I shifted into sixth gear and off I go. I see another rider next to me with the same bike. Now it is me and the other rider. 

I raced and at the finishing line. I know there is no finishing line, but we imagine there is one. The other rider came first. I smiled at the other rider but he just ride on. I slowed down and Mitchell and my parents caught up. I fist bumped my dad and then Mitchell. The leader gave the signal that we are going to the gas station to refuel and take a break. 

We turned into the gas station, and we stopped. I quickly refueled my bike and went into the shop. I bought me a Monster energy drink just for a little bit of energy. I came back and met with the rider I raced. "I almost lost to a girl", he said cocky. "Girls don't belong on bikes", he said smiling. I just looked at him with disgusted and anger. "What's your name jerk"?, I asked. "Ben". "Well Ben you can fuck off", I said and walked off. 

I looked where my parents sat and went there. "Who is he"?, my mom asked. "Just a fucking asshole with no style", I said annoyed. I opened my can and started drinking my monster. I smiled when Mitchell came along. He also went and bought him a Monster. We sat and talked about the bikes and the MotoGP race that happened. 

We got a 20-minute brake and the leader announced that we are going out. We threw away our trash and got ready to head out. We are going back to the meet up place to hang out well it is a bar and restaurant, so it is cool. As we head out, I'm met with that asshole Ben. "Wanna race again", he asked. "Sure", I said sarcastically. 

We were on the highway, and I was met with Ben. We got ready to race and he did the countdown. He held his fingers up. 3...2...1 We were of. He was first but I intentionally made him go before me. He looked back and gave me the middle finger. I just smiled and sifted. I was near him when he swerved in my lane. 

I slowed down and took the other lane and went past him fast. I looked at him and gave him the middle finger. I was now in fifth gear and winning. I shift into sixth gear and .... I win. I slowed down and he came next to me. We looked at each other and gave each other a middle finger. "Fucking asshole', I thought to myself. 

We turn into the meet up spot and park our bikes. Mitchell parked next to me and my dad on my other side. I barley took off my helmet and that asshole Ben came to me. "You think that you are the best", he said angerly. "What?", I asked confused. "I never lost to a girl"! he shouted angerly. 

"Thats why your mad"?, I asked. "Yes"!, he shouted. I walked away because I don't like fighting. Then this motherfucker made a huge mistake. While me, my parents and Mitchell walked away, he kicked my bike down. I turned around and saw he kicked my bike. Listen I don't fight but don't touch my bike then you might get murdered.

I walked up to him. "Hey!", I shouted. "What you going to cry", he said laughing with his friends. "No, this", I said and punched him in the face. Okay I know what you're thinking I'm a girl why fight well my dad thought me how to fight and it came in handy. He stood up and swinged for me he hit me in my face as well. Blood ran out my nose and all I did is smiled. 

I punched him again till he fell to the ground. "You not only got passes by a girl, but you also got beaten up by one", I said smiling. I walked away smiling getting on my bike and riding away. I played my music and went home. I was met at a red light by Mitchell and my parents. I just smiled and look forward. We went home and Mitchell followed. 

We got home and I looked at the damage. Not much just a few scratches and a small dent. "Asshole", I thinked to myself. I was still looking at my bike and Mitchell asked if I'm okay. "Are you okay?", he asked concerned. "Yeah, I am", I gave him a reassuring smile. We went inside. "Mom, can I show him my bike colection"?, I asked. "Sure sweetie', she said smiling. 

We went upstairs and I showed him my room. "This is so cool", he said smiling. Thanks. I looked for my first aid kit and sat on the bed. I looked at my nose and it wasn't that bad, but it was still painful. "Wait, let me help you", Mitchell said walking to me. "Okay", I said chuckling. He took the first aid kit and searched for the alcohol to clean my scratch. 

I looked at him while he was cleaning my wound. "Fuck", I said under my breath while closing my eyes in pain. It was painful. "Sorry", he said softly. I kept looking at him he was so beautiful. When he was done, he placed the first aid kit on my bed. I looked at him smiling. 

"What"?, he asked smiling. "Noting", I said smiling back. We looked at each other and then something happened. He leaned in and closed his eyes and kissed me. I kissed him back. It lasted for a minute or so. We broke the kiss and smiled. I blushed; he also blushed a little. "I gotta go but I'll call you", he said smiling while walking out of my room. I kicked my feet like a little girl. I showered and got in my pjs, and I couldn't stop smiling at what happened. We might not know each other for long but know I believe in love at first sight. 

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