Chapter 6

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"Hi mom", hi dad", guess what? Before they could answer I yelled out. "I got a job and a boyfriend", I yelled. "Thats so good honey", my mom said while hugging me. "Thats good", my dad said in a grumpy voice. Why is he so grumpy? "I'm going to my room call me when dinners ready. "Sweetie about that", mom said. "Me and dad is going on a date tonight is it okay if you cook. 

"Sure, mom just tell me when you go", I said with a smile. I went upstairs and got into shorts and a tank top. I laid back and played a MotoGP livestream from a few months ago. I wasn't paying attention I just thought of the day I had and when Mitchell asked me to be his girlfriend. Two hours went past, and my parents are gone. 

I was watching YouTube videos when I got hungry, so I went downstairs and made me some mac n cheese. I know I was just lazy to cook. In the kitchen it hit me that my parents were hiding something. While the mac n cheese was cooking, I went to my dad's office. Unlocked yes. I sneaked in and saw the laptop on my dad's desk.

I opened his laptop and logged in. I saw some researching and news and a photo of someone and a name. I read the articles, and it was the articles of when my sister died a few years ago. I read it and saw that there was a suspect they had but didn't catch him. I saw the photo and a name under that. Brendon Roberts. 

Tears formed in my eyes as I knew for this is the person responsible for my sister's death. He was the coward that took my sister away from me. Know that I know his name I will find him. With tears in my eyes, I went upstairs. Why didn't my parents tell me? Maybe they dint want to upset me. Well, I found out so end of story.

I was just sad the person that killed my sister is not caught yet. As I sat on my bed, I looked at my cupboard. I stood up and opened the doors. I look up and see my old box with the saying "Lindsey's treasure". My sister made that for my birthday 2 years ago and I kept it ever since. I took the box and sat on my bed crossed legged and went through the box. 

I saw photos of us when we were kids. Me and Lucy on our little dirt bikes and our little gear. Then I came across a photo that I will forever treasure. Me and Lucy standing Infront of my bike the day I bought it. Tears started to form in my eyes. This was 3 years ago. Another photo of when we went to the MotoGP. A photo of when I bought her, her first helmet. The memories came flooding in. With a smile and still crying I saw a letter. I never remember putting a letter in here.

Dear Lindsey.

As a little sister it is my job to be annoying and stubborn. I really love you and thank you for my bike rides I love it. Thank you for being such a great sister. Remember if you have a boyfriend, he has to go through me first okay. I'm so proud of you sissy. I'm proud of you for getting your dream bike and making it your own. I still remember the dream you have for all these years. Please follow that dream for me and promise me you will fulfill this dream. Lindsey, I know you will be mad at me for saying this but when I die can you do me a favor? Name your bike Lucy. I love you and Happy 21st birthday. 

The tears streaming down my face is making the paper wet underneath me. I never read this letter in my life, and she already knew the bikes name would be Lucy. I feel so bad. It was my fault she was in that accident. My parents never gave me this letter I understand why. This all happened before my birthday. Lucy would've gone on a school trip, so she wanted one last ride on the bike and then it happened. 

I sat with my back against my bedframe and hugged my legs. I cried and cried till my parents came home. I went downstairs and they saw my puffy eyes. "Sweetie why are you crying"?, my dad asked concerned. "I found out who killed Lucy and I found a letter that she wrote before my birthday", I said with dryness in my voice. "Were so sorry honey we wanted to protect you", my mom said softly. 

I collapsed on the floor and started crying my heart out again. My mom and dad cuddled with me on the floor and soothed me. "I'm going to fulfill my dream of racing for KTM, for Lucy', I say crying. "Your more than welcome", my dad says softly. We were like that for 10 minutes or so and we stood up. Oh, and if you're wondering I switched of the stove before I went to my room. I wiped my tears and said my good nights and went to bed. I placed the box on my desk and drifted off to sleep looking at it. 

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