chapter 7

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I wake up by the sound of my alarm. I look at my phone and see it is 6:30. I wanted to press snooze but then I realized I have to go to work, and it is my first day. "Fuck, it is my first day I have to get ready." I take some clean clothes and underwear and go shower. I run the shower water and begin to brush my teeth. I get into the shower and just stand there for a few minutes to get what happened yesterday out of my mind. 

I wash my body and get out of the shower. I look at myself in the mirror and look at two of my scars I got from the accident. On my arm and leg. They had to operate to make my bones heal properly. That day it was damn painful to walk but I needed to get to my sister. I get dressed and put my hair in a low braid. I look at my phone and it is 7AM. 

I go down and eat my breakfast. My parents are still asleep because well they usually work from home. I get my helmet, jacket, gloves, keys and backpack and go out. I get on my bike and I'm on to work. I play some music and jam till I get to work. I get nasty look for dancing on a bike but hey enjoy life. 

I turn unto work and I see a familiar Ducati. Mitchell is waiting for me by his bike. I stop my bike next to his. I take of my helmet and gloves. "Hi", I say before kissing him. "Hi", he says after the kiss. "Is something wrong", Mitchell asked me concerned. "No", I give him a reassuring smile. I'm not going to tell him now maybe later on in the relationship. 

We talked until the manager opened the workshop. I got dressed in my shirt for work and off I go. I got a lot of dirty looks from the other guys but fuck them. I got two bikes to fix today. "Look she is pretending that she knows the job", one guy says. I heard him and looked at him giving him a smile. "The bike needs new rear and front brakes, an oil change and maybe a new chain for safety and new coolant", I say confidently. 

The guy mouth was agape, and I knew he was embarrassed. We continued with our work until I had a visitor. "Lindsey there is someone to see you", Mitchell says. I wiped my hands and went to the front desk. "Yes sir, can I help you", I say smiling. "Yes, I'm here to pick up my Yamaha R1 please", the man says. "Yes, follow me". "Okay sir so I worked on the bike". It has new rear and front brakes, new oil and coolant is put in and a new chain for safety", I say confidently.

"Thanks, it needed all that and your good for a girl", he says smiling. "Thank you, sir,", I say smiling. In the corner of my eye, I see Mitchell looking at him, more like glaring at him like he is ready to kill him. I worked on my second bike, and it was easy just needed new tires and a chain. I was done maybe within 3 hours or so. I was exhausted. I asked some the guys if I can help but they were fine. I cleaned my hands and went to Mitchell.

"Jealous much", I say smiling. "Mm" "I'm sorry but he was a customer babe", I say confidently. The word babe woke him up. "Sorry, babe?", he said asked confused. "Were dating so I can call you babe", I say with a smile. I see him smiling. His smile is so amazing and beautiful. "I'm going go to go, so you go on with your work.", I say smiling. I walked to the simulator. 

I climbed on and started the simulator. I get in position and see the countdown. 3...2...1 Away I go I get a perfect score every time. My lean is perfect and my speed even more perfect. I go to lap 2 I don't even realize Mr. Robertson is behind me with a special guest. I am just focused on my race. The pure focus on my face is perfect. I turn and on I go to lap 3. I am first. My speed is perfect. In a few minutes I'm done. 

I was in my own reality when someone clapped. I turn around and I'm in shock. The owner of the KTM MotoGP team is Infront of. "Hi sir, it's nice to meet you", I say while shaking his hand still in shock. "Lindsey this is Mr. Kyle Anderson", Mr. Robertson says with a smile. "Sir I know who you are i love your team", I say. "Your very good, what's your name kid"?, Mr. Anderson says with a smile. "Lindsey Carter sir". "Well Lindsey I want to see you in my office". Office? I think to myself. 

"Don't be so confused I own this company", Mr. Anderson says with a smile. I think he saw my confusion. Me and Mr. Anderson walked to his office, and he asked me questions while we walked. I answered all of his questions with a smile. "What got you into bikes"? "Well sir my dad was a biker for 10 years and I grew up riding dirt bikes and now I ride my own bike". "I see". What bike do you have?" Sir I have a Kawasaki ninja zx10rr". "That is a good and reliable bike. 

We reached his office, and it is huge. All of the KTM wins was in photos. Trophy's, old minibike models, poster, helmets. I looked around until Mr. Anderson offered me to sit. "So, sir why did you want to see me"?, I ask confused. "Well, I'm looking for two new riders and when I saw you on that simulator, I knew I found a rider", he says with a smile. "What me really sir", I say exited. 

"Sir I'm a girl why me"? You are stupid. You got offered into your dream team dumbass. I say to myself. "Your good, and better than the people in my team', he says confidently. I sit there still trying to process what happened. "So, you taking the offer"? "Yes, sir thank you so much it was a lifelong dream to race for your team", I say with a smile. "Thats good and I have another rider I picked", he says. He points at the door, and I look back.

Mitchell. He is also going to race for KTM. I couldn't believe it this day is getting better. The smile on my face was huge. Me and my boyfriend is going to race for KTM in MotoGP. I jumped up and shook Mr. Andersons hand. "Tomorrow we are going to talk to you two about everything. "Thank you, sir, thank you", I say with a huge fucking smile. I walk out and close the door. I look at Mitchell and jump in his arms. He picks me up and spins me around. "Were racing for KTM"!, I scream while laughing. 

Note: I'm not using real people's names I use my own names I made up. 

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