Chapter 2: Kang Haerin

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Note before the second chapter: Jungwon is Minji's ex just sayin'

(3rd person)

Minji let out a sigh of relief as her class came to an end. She had been counting down the minutes until she could leave the classroom and be alone with her thoughts.

She looked around the room and saw her classmates packing their bags and chatting with each other. As she observed them, she felt a strange sadness that she couldn't quite explain.

It was strange because Minji had always preferred to be alone in this class. She had never felt the need to socialize with anyone and had been content with her company. However, seeing Taesan and Danielle chatting made her think she was missing out on something.

Despite her reservations, Minji found herself wanting to talk to Taesan again. There were things that they needed to discuss, but at the same time, she didn't want any answers.

She didn't want to talk about anything that might make her uncomfortable or think about Jungwon.

Minji was eager to talk to Taesan but didn't know why. She felt this weird attraction toward him, but she knew it wasn't romantic. Having a crush on her ex-friend was strange and didn't make sense to her.

As she walked out of the classroom, Minji couldn't help but wonder why she was overthinking things like she always did. She knew it was pointless to dwell on these thoughts, but she couldn't help herself.

"Hey, Minji!" Haerin exclaimed as she entered the classroom, catching Minji's attention. Minji turned towards her friend and smiled, "Hey Hae, what's up?" she replied.

Haerin looked a little out of breath as she gathered her thoughts before responding, "Oh, right, I have to tell you something," she said while glancing at her watch. Minji, sensing the urgency in her voice, grabbed her bag and followed Haerin as she left the classroom.

As they walked out, Minji said, "I ran into Danielle today." Haerin stopped walking, her eyes widening with surprise. "What? Really?" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the unexpected news. Minji nodded in confirmation, and Haerin motioned for her to continue.

Haerin walked down the hallway with a look of frustration and asked Minji, "What did she say?" Minji hesitated momentarily, responding, "She tried to explain, but I just pushed her away."

Haerin's disbelief was palpable. "She tried to explain? Can't she accept that the damage was already done?" Haerin's fists clenched in anger, but Minji remained quiet, unwilling to add fuel to the fire.

Haerin couldn't help but feel betrayed by Danielle. While she was similar to Jungwon in many ways, Danielle had allegedly cheated on Haerin and played with her feelings.

When Danielle tried to defend herself by saying that the other person had initiated it and she was drunk and foolish, Haerin couldn't bring herself to believe her. After all, this wasn't the first time Danielle had returned home drunk, something that Haerin had only learned from her sister.

Minji suddenly said, "I was thinking about talking to Taesan." Haerin was taken aback and raised an eyebrow, whispering, "Why? Isn't he friends with...y'know?" Minji nodded and replied, "I know. We talked earlier. But I suddenly feel the urge to talk to Taesan." She looked down at the ground, lost in thought.

Haerin furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't understand. You run into Danielle, and then you want to talk to Taesan? Minji, what's with you today?"

Minji shrugged and said, "I don't know. I don't understand it myself." Haerin hummed thoughtfully, "Alright, I guess after this next class, you can talk with Taesan." She checked her watch and added, "But first, you need to make sure Chaewon and Minjun aren't wrecking your apartment."

Minji agreed and added, "Yes, I must ensure that. Chaewon always finds a way to wreck it." Haerin chuckled and said, "That's true. She's a little tornado." Minji smiled at the thought and continued walking. After a few steps, she turned to Haerin and said, "Thanks for understanding."

"Oh, what do you think about Hanni?" Minji asked, catching Haerin off-guard.

"Hanni? Um, she's cool," Haerin replied with a smile, "She's also pretty smart; she has helped me with my homework several times." Minji raised an eyebrow, "Homework for which class?" Minji then wondered why she had never seen Hanni around school but realized she had never noticed Danielle, Taesan, and Jaehyun.

"Biology, the class we just had," Haerin replied. Minji was shocked; how could she have never noticed her before? Minji was confused and a little sad. How could she not have seen her friend? Well, her ex-friend now.

Minji never wanted to cut ties with Hanni, but she had to. She was friends with Jungwon, and Hanni never believed that Jungwon did any of the disgusting things he did to Minji.

Yang Jungwon is a fucking asshole.

Minji walked silently, lost in her thoughts, staring into space while Haerin tried to talk to her. It wasn't until Haerin mentioned Hanni's name that Minji's mood changed. "Oh, I never noticed her," Minji said, her voice distant and detached.

Haerin noticed the sudden shift in Minji's demeanor and realized something was bothering her friend. "Look, Minji," Haerin said, trying to get her friend's attention. "You never knew what truly happened on the other side, and you should give Hanni a chance to explain instead of giving her the cold shoulder."

"I don't want to hear anyone out. I'm done with this," Minji interrupted, her voice firm and resolute. She didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Minji, you can't just..." Haerin trailed off, realizing her friend was not ready to listen. "Never mind, forget it," she said, waving her hand before Minji's face.

Minji was perplexed and didn't understand what Haerin was trying to say. However, she also wanted to avoid hearing what Haerin would say. Everything was happening too quickly, and Minji needed a break. She felt overwhelmed and needed some time to sort out her thoughts.

Haerin let out a deep sigh and turned around to face Minji. "I think you're missing the point, Minji," she said, frustration lacing her words. Without another word, Haerin walked away, leaving Minji confused and hurt.

She didn't understand what she had done wrong. Couldn't Haerin see that the topic of Jungwon made her uncomfortable? She didn't need to know every detail. All Minji wanted was a break from it all. She prayed that her class would go by quickly. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders, and she longed for the day to end.


Minji had a fantastic class today. Her class finished earlier than usual; to top it off, her professor granted them a free day. Minji was thrilled at the opportunity to utilize this time to work on her essay for her medical internship.

As a dedicated and hardworking student, she was determined to become a successful doctor despite the numerous obstacles ahead.

She always strived to overcome any challenges that came her way, but some proved more difficult than others. Her mind was constantly racing with thoughts, making it challenging for her to concentrate on her work.

Nevertheless, she persevered and continued to push herself towards her goals.

Minji has been feeling down lately and wants someone to talk to. She has been considering seeing a therapist, but the last time she tried that, it didn't work out.

She felt desperate and thought that maybe Taesan could help her. The problem is that Minji has been trying to avoid thinking about him.

They have a complicated history, and she is unsure how to approach him. Despite her reservations, Minji realizes that Taesan may be her only option.

Haerin is quick to anger, and Minji feels she can't talk to her. Hanni is too intimidating, and Chaewon is always too busy.

With a heavy heart, Minji takes a deep breath and seeks Taesan's help. She would prepare to leave if he cannot assist her or if he becomes too nosy.

With a sense of resolve, Minji packs her belongings, smiles, and quickly exits the classroom. She is determined to find the help she needs to feel better.

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