Chapter 1: The Business

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Down in a small town in Missouri, the residents slept well. A police officer walked by, dressed in his suit, whistling to himself. However, there was something that made a noise. He stopped, but quickly brushed it off, continuing his night patrol.

However, the creature that made the noise made it's way towards a farm, and there, he slowly made his way to a chicken coop. However, a little statue turned it's head, and the eyes started blinking.

In a medium two story house, just outside of town, was a team of people who protected the town from any pests. However, they don't deal with bugs and other stuff, they take care of things like foxes, raccoons, and rabbits. They are the Emsly Humane-Pest Control. It was made up of three members, Richard Emsly, Daisy Emsly, and Jolter Ironhide.

Richard is the older brother, and leader of the team. When he and Daisy were in college, their parents died in a car accident, leaving them alone with only each other. Their aunt and uncle visit every now and then, but for the most part it's just them. Richard is a genius in engineering, and loved to build things to help people in any way. And no one else tests his inventions better than his sister, Daisy.

Daisy is the younger sister, and was the spitting image of their mother, only she had red hair rather than black. She often tests the inventions that her brother makes before they put them for sale in the appliance shop just across the street.

Jolter, or Jolt for short, is not a human, but rather a robotic assistant who does the house work, and helps with Richard with building his inventions, providing tools with his wide knowledge he gained as an Artificial Intelligence. He was silver, with a human like top, with a bowtie, blue eyes with white pupils, an electronic mouth screen, that turns into an X whenever he swears, and the lower half are three wheels, two driving at the front, and one behind him for support.

At that moment, Jolt was turned on from a special invention that was connected to the alarm system. Jolt got up, and said, "Time to get to work!!"

He then pressed some buttons on the wall, and headed to the basement.

Daisy was asleep, until she was poked from under her bed, and she woke up. An airhorn was put next to Richard, who was snoring away, before it was blow, waking him up, with him yelling, "I'M AWAKE!! I'M AWAKE!!!!"

Richard looked up, and saw the alarm going off. The beds of the siblings then pulled into the wall, and the two slid down the slides inside, which went into the ground. There, they grabbed their outfits hanging on the side, and they landed safely, before getting dressed. Both wore jumpsuits that had their names on the left of their chests. They were then launched into the air, and the two landed into their shoes, and got ready. They grabbed their hats, and Jolt was waiting for them in the car.

The car was a White GMC Savana, which was one of the last things they had to remember their parents by, other than the house they built together during the summer months.

"Good morning you two," said Jolt with a tray with two cups of coffee, "It's in the Farmer Emily's."

"Right, let's go!" said Richard, as they climbed in. The trio then drove into the night, and Jolt got the grabber ready.

They arrived at the scene, and jumped out of the van, and stood against the fence. Richard look a look, and saw something heading towards the coop. He nodded, and Daisy and Jolt got ready. Jolt boosted Daisy up, and she threw a bag over the pest.

Richard and Jolt ran inside the property, with Richard saying, "Great job Daisy!! Hold her!!"

The pest then started rushing around, the bag getting loose from Daisy's hand. Jolt then grabbed it, but was pulled along due to his wheels not able to get a grip in the dirt.

"This way Jolt!!" called Daisy.

This woke up the Farmer Emily and her husband, Jones. Jolt then managed to steer the pest towards Richard, who got the pest, and said, "Got ya!! Lift her up Jolt!"

Jolt did, and revealed, a fox.

"Oh, it's that fox again," said Daisy, as she looked at the tag.

"I thought we managed to keep him away," said Jolt.

Just then, Emily and Jones came out.

(Emily is played by Idina and Jones played by Chris Pratt)

"Oh, Emslies!!" said Emily, "You're here! I see that it's another fox. Thank you for protecting our chickens."

"All in a night's work Mrs. Mulch," said Daisy, as Jolt petted the fox, only to get bitten. His mouth then turned into an X, and a beep was heard form his vocal processors.


"Jolt!!" said Daisy, "Not now!!"

"Almost like dogs," said Jones, "Hard to believe that these things can cause so much trouble."

"Oh, no need to worry," said Richard, "we'll take care of this little guy."

"It was nice to see you again, Mr and Mrs Mulch," said Jolt, "Have a wonderful night."

"Thank you Jolt," said the couple.

The fox was then taken away and the team headed back home.

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