Chapter 4: Town Meeting

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Jolt powered on, and stretched out.

"Oh, what a lovely night. No pests.... to... deal with?"

Jolt had noticed he had been disconnected to the alarm system. He then headed into the dining room, and saw that every alarm on the map was buzzing.

"What happened!?" asked Jolt.

He then got the paper, and looked at the headline

Just then, Richard and Daisy came down, saying, "Good morning Jolt."

Richard and Daisy then got dressed, and Richard said to Jolt, "A pest free night.... per...... chance?"

Richard and Daisy looked inside to see the alarm going off all over town.

"Look at the headline," said Jolt, pulling up the paper.

A picture of a melon was shown with a massive bite taken out of it. The headline said, 'Emsly Humane Pest Control fails to show up. Where were our heroes?'

"Oh dear," said Richard.

Soon, the whole town was meeting at the town hall, and everyone was buzzing with concern and fear.

Just then, Officer Ned came up, and yelled, "QUIET!!"

(Officer Ned played by Samuel Jackson)

"Okay, now, what happened last night?" asked the police officer.

"It was something that just left as soon as it appeared," said English Man Robert.

(Robert played my Matt Smith.)

"While I do blame the Pest Control for not showing up," said Nancy, "I don't think that they would have been able to deal with something that large."

(Nancy played by Daisy Ridley.)

"Well, this was bound to happen," said Susan, "I actually saw the beast last night, and did some research."

Everyone turned to the Scottish immigrant.

"It was large, but so fluffy. It's teeth, were as big as axe blades."

The people shuttered, as Susan continued, "I believe something must have come from beyond our understanding, and has come from a time when the supernatural were allowed to live among us."

"What do you mean?" asked Ned.

"I mean, we have something that maybe super natural. Do you know any garden pests that average 15 ft in height?"

The people all got nervous.

"What we are dealing with, is similar to a were-wolf, only, it's after our gardens, now that the food is big enough to support it. So, we are dealing with, a Were-Rabbit!!!"

The people gasped, and the garden enthusiasts then started over reacting.


Just then, a shot ran out, and everyone turned to see Alison with her rifle smoking.

"A Were-Rabbit?" she asked, "Really? I'm sure it's maybe a species of large animal that we have never seen before. It's a big one yes, but a mortal creature of flesh and blood. I can take care of it. I can catch it myself. I've dealt with large animals before."

"I don't think that's necessary," said Sir Ebrum, "there is no need for mindless slaughter. I say we give the Emslies another chance."

Ebrum then turned to the trio, and Richard then got nervous. He had always had stage fright. So, Daisy stood up, and said, "We will do our best. We'll work up a plan to find this beast, and make sure that it is rehabilitated, so that it will cause no further harm, or even find it a new home on a wildlife sanctuary, because, all life, deserves a chance to have a home of their own."

The town was quiet, before they slowly clapped, except for Alison, who said, "Good luck. You're gonna need it."

Ebrum then grabbed Daisy's hand, and spun her around, before leaning her over, and kissing her.

Daisy blushed, and Ebrum said, "That's my good luck for you."

He then winked, and Daisy fainted from her happiness.

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