Chapter 8: Amy

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Morning came along, and Jolt and Richard were sitting down at the table, the latter fully dressed in a shirt with a vest, and jeans. The two were looking at the seat Daisy usually sits in, and were worried.

The front page of the paper had a picture of the Were-Rabbit.

"How are we gonna tell her about this?" asked Richard.

"We should come off slow," said Jolt, "Maybe be ready to sooth her feelings."

"Morning boys!" said Daisy, now dressed in a pair of white jeans, a brown belt, and blouse tucked in.

Jolt and Richard turned around, and they jumped, with Richard yelping in shock.

Daisy didn't notice this, until she sat down with some vegetables she got from the kitchen. She took a look around, and saw nothing. With a carrot in her hand, she asked, "Um.... what's up doc?"

Jolt then left the room, and returned with a mirror, as Richard said, "Um, Daisy, don't freak out, but...... you have......"

Richard pointed her his ears, as Jolt pulled up the mirror, and showed Daisy. She had rabbit ears!!

"AAAAAAUGH!!!" cried Daisy, as she fell back out of her chair.

"THAT'S COMING OFF SOFT!?!" asked Richard.

"I didn't prepare for this!!" said Jolt.

Daisy got up, and saw herself in the mirror once more, and fainted. When she came to, she saw she was on the couch, and being fanned.

"Oh, that is weird. Nice joke guys," said Amy.

"What joke?" asked Richard, "Daisy, those are real!!"

"Yeah," said Daisy, not believing them.

Jolt then brought the paper, and pointed to the front page.

"What? What's wrong Jolt?" asked Daisy.

"This," said Jolt, pointing to the picture, and then Daisy, "Is you!"

"What?" asked Daisy, before laughing, "You think I'm the beast, because of these!? No, it's just another one of Richard's childish pranks!! Silly robot, thinking I'm the Were-Rabbit. The next thing you'll be saying is, oh, Amy, is turning into me!"

Jolt's lights then lit up, with a ding. He brought the two down stairs, and opened up the pen holding Amy.

"What are you doing!?" asked Daisy, "Are you mad!?!"

They looked inside, and Jolt brought some Ice Cream with him. Then, a hand came from the darkness, and pulled it inside.

Then, came Amy, only, she looked different. She now stood up right on two legs, an outfit that seemed to be like one of Daisy's, and she had long red blonde hair, just like Daisy!!

Daisy was speechless, when Amy said, "Thank you Jolt!! I this is my favorite ice cream!!"

Jolt and Richard looked at Daisy, who said, "Oh, dear."

At the town hall, the people were getting ready for the local festival. Sir Ebrum was helping get things ready.

"Okay, the petting zoo, ready. Games set up, check. And finally, the stands for the giant vegetable competition."

Sir Ebrum then pulled out a golden carrot trophy, and said, "Oh, this is going to be wonderful. I just know it."

"Sir Ebrum!!" yelled a towns folk, "It's the beast!!! It struck again!!!"

"Wait, you're mistaken, the beast is in captivity," said Ebrum.

"Well, unless there are two of them," said Emily, "We have a problem still!!"

Some people brought forth what would've been their entrees in the contest.

"What?" asked Ebrum, "But.... how?"

"I'm sorry," said Robert, "But, the giant veggie contest can't happen."

Ebrum looked at the trophy, and said, "But, my family has hosted this contest for years, and.... this was to be my first one."

Everyone then looked at Ebrum, and Nancy said, "Well, there has to be something we can do."

"Um, could I be of some assistance?" asked a voice.

The people parted to reveal Alison, with a weapon at the ready.

"Eddy, old buddy," said Alison, "I know you won't approve of this, but it seems Captivity can't contain this thing. I can take care of it. I promise, it will be right at the base of the head, quick and painless."

Ebrum looked at everyone, and their hard work waisted over night. He then looked down, and said, "I have to make a quick visit to the Emsly's."

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