Chapter 2: The Mayor

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That morning, Jolt was looking over the knives that they had.

"Hmmmmmmm, ah, that will do perfectly for him!!" said Jolt, grabbing a butcher knife. He then sharpened it, and raised, before bringing it down...... onto a piece of meat. He chopped it up, before moving onto some vegetables, and other food.

He then moved put the food down some vents, and they landed on plates and bowls. Down in the basement, there were raccoons, deer, foxes, bobcats, and rabbits. The Emslies didn't kill any of the pests they caught. They caught them, and stored them away, finding a home that they could stay in. They usually found petting zoos, and wildlife sanctuaries for them.

"And, there," said Jolt, "Now, to get breakfast ready for the Richard an-"

A little chipmunk then popped out of the coffee can, and ran off.

"What the.....?"

Jolt then heard a noise in the cupboard, and slowly headed towards it. He opened it up, and revealed some raccoons eating the snakes. They stopped, and looked at Jolt.

"What are you doing in the-"

They threw their snacks at Jolt, and hid in the fridge. Jolt rolled up to the door, and opened it up. However, the inside was empty. Jolt slowly turned towards the door, and gasped. Raccoons, rabbits and chipmunks jumped onto him, and Jolt grabbed each of them.

"Not again! You know you're not supposed to be up here!!"

Jolt then put the Raccoon down the shaft leading to Pens 23-26, the Chipmunks to Pens 10-13, and the rabbits to Pens 1-3.

He then went back to making breakfast. Soon, the two siblings awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked.

"Morning Jolt," said Richard.

"Morning Richard. Morning Daisy. How did you sleep?" asked Jolt.

"We slept good," said Daisy, "I feel we really made an impact with our business."

Just then, the closet buzzed, and an outfit for the two came out. Richard was given a Jeans, with a t-shirt, and his signature jacket that was their father's. Daisy was given a shirt, jean shorts, and stockings. Just then, the alarm went off, and Jolt said, "Ah, I'll get it."

"Hey, bro," said Daisy, "You got a new invention that you've been meaning to try out?"

"Yeah," said Richard, "It's in the basement. I call it, the Mind-Manipulator. It extracts unwanted brain waves and thoughts, and turns them into the opposite. Basically, you think of something, like, wanting to stop eating too much junk, then they could use the machine to tell them that junk food is bad, or eat less of it."

"Wow," said Daisy, "That's amazing."

"Are we sure that we should be doing something like that?" asked Jolt, coming back, "I mean, we are who we are, and we can't change that.... Well, except for me. I've got programming that can be rewired or changed if wanted."

"Why would I want to do that?" asked Richard, "You're perfect the way you are Jolt."

Jolt then put the newspaper down, and Richard saw two large articles, one being about them and one of their inventions saving the local school district, and the other about a strange anomaly. For then next week, there would be nothing but full moons every night.

"I never did understand that," said Daisy, "It's always this time of year that we get a whole week of full moons. It's weird to me."

"Well, this whole world is full of surprises," said Richard, looking through the paper.

Just then, the phone rang, and Daisy picked it up.

"Hello, Emsly Electronics, Inventions and Humane Pest Control, this is Daisy speaking."

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