Chapter 7: Daisy's Transformation

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Daisy rang the bell at Sir Ebrum's home, and the mayor opened the door. Daisy was dressed in some brown pants, black monk shoes, with suspender straps, a white button up blouse with long sleeves, all under a jacket.

"Oh, Ms. Emsly!" said Ebrum.

"Oh, sir, I bring good news!!" said Daisy, "It's about the Were-Rabbit."

"Well, come in," said Sir Ebrum.

Daisy then dusted her self off, and looked at herself in a compact mirror, and then stomped the ground with her foot, before hopping up the stairs, and into the home of Sir Ebrum.

Meanwhile, Jolt and Richard were racing towards the Mayor's estate.


"I'M GOING AS FAST AS THE CAR WILL LET ME!! AND FOLLOWING THE SPEED LIMIT!!" screamed Jolt, making Richard jump back a bit.

"That's fantastic!" said Ebrum, "With the beast in captivity, the town can settle down without any worry of something happening to their properties."

"Yes," said Daisy, as she was looking at Ebrum a bit dreamy.

Sir Ebrum then got up, and said, "Oh, help yourself to one."

"Oh, thank you," said Daisy, as she reached out, and instead of taking a cookie, she grabbed the flower in the vase, and chewed it up.

She swallowed it down, and Sir Ebrum said, "Daisy, do you like, gardens?"

"Oh, yes," said Daisy, "I love them."

"Well, come with me. I have something to show you."

Daisy then lifted her foot up, and scratched behind her ear with it. She then put her foot back in her shoe, and followed Ebrum to the back.

Richard and Jolt then arrived, and looked around the building all over.

"You check out back, I'll check further out front!!"

Jolt did, and he managed to find Daisy and Ebrum going in the back, revealing a giant vegetable garden.

"My own garden," said Ebrum, "Not often do I show it to others. What do you think?"

"It's a.... Veggie.... vegetable.... paradise!!" said Daisy, hopping a bit like a bunny.

"Yes," said Ebrum, "Well, not many of my friends like to garden like this."

"Oh, their loss Sir Ebrum," said Daisy.

"Please," said Ebrum, "Call me Eddy."


"Short, for Edward. My first name."

Daisy then said, "Oh, Eddy."

"Oh no," said Jolt.

Just then, from the walk way, Alison came up the road, and said to her dog, "This is it Bruiser!! I'm gonna tell him how I feel!! We've known each other for so long now, so, I'm gonna tell him, today!!"

However, she stopped, and saw the Emsly Van parked in front. She then heard laughing in the back, and Ebrum said, "Oh, Daisy!!"

"Oh, Eddy!!"

"Eddy?" exclaimed Alison, "He's MY Eddy!!"

Alison then headed off, brooding to herself, as Bruiser followed.

Daisy and Ebrum stood by each other, and Ebrum said, "Wait here. I want to show you something Daisy."

Daisy and Jolt watched as Ebrum picked something up, and showed them.

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