Chapter 5: Car Chase

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"Well, this is perfect!" said Daisy, as she looked at the picture Ebrum gave her.

"You really think the trap's perfect?" asked Richard.

Daisy then quickly put the picture in the glove compartment, putting her hair behind her ear, saying, "Yeah, the trap."

"Um, are you two sure this will work?" asked Jolt.

"Yeah," said Richard, "Rabbits are very social creatures, and if this, 'Were-Rabbit' is alone, it'll surely want to be with ours!"

Basically, they put a marionette rabbit, on the roof of their van, and Jolt was working the controls. As they drove, a man passing by looked in shock, before looking at his cigarette, and putting it out.

"Okay, looking good," said Richard, "Just, maybe a bit more lively."

Jolt then made more accurate movements, and Richard said, "Nice work Jolt. Keep this up, and we'll catch this thing in no time!!"

Jolt then said, "Richard!! Richard!!! RICHARD!!! THE TUNNEL!!!"

However, Richard went under the bridge, and the puppet slammed over the top, and Jolt hit the roof, leaving a small dent of himself. They stopped in front of a grocery store with a large carrot sign, and a bar next to it.

"Oh dear," said Richard.

"I'll get it," said Daisy, "I won't be gone long."

Daisy then headed down the tunnel to get the decoy back.

Just then, Richard said, "Hey, I gotta go real quick. I'll be back. Stay here."

Richard then headed to the bar, and Jolt climbed up to the front, and pulled out a pencil and crossword puzzle book. As the three did their thing, the moon then appeared from the clouds.

"Hmmm," he said to himself, "A four letter word for a wooden puppet."

Jolt then turned on the radio, and head silly tunes he didn't agree with.

"Ugh, I'll never understand why humans are fond of this stuff," he said to himself. Just then, a crash outside was heard, and he turned off the radio.

He looked around, and scanned the area. However, there was nothing. He then honked the horn to call Daisy, but she didn't respond. Jolt, confused, decided to wait for a bit. However, a shadow slowly crept over the tunnel.

Inside the car, Jolt said, "What's taking that girl so long? She said she'd be right back."

Just then, the sign from the grocery store fell on the hood, making Jolt, well, jolt from his seat, and saw that the sign had a bite taken out of it. Then, he saw something rush through the street. It was the Were-Rabbit!!!

He honked the horn once more, yelling, "DAISY!!!! RICHARD!!! COME ON!!!!"

However, Daisy didn't respond once more, and the music in the bar was too loud. Jolt rolled his eyes, moved the chair out of the way, and turned the van back to life. He then put the petal to the metal, and raced after the were-rabbit.

Jolt drove down the road, and looked all over to find the beast. However, as he looked forward again, the Were-Rabbit jumped on the hood, and over the van!! Jolt couldn't believe his eyes!!! He saw the Were-Rabbit run around a corner, and he did a quick drift with the emergency brake, and turned around.

The Were-Rabbit was bouncing through the gardens, and Jolt picked up speed, keeping pace with it. He then said, "BLUETOOTH CONNECTION!!"

Jolt then managed to connect himself through bluetooth, and was able to drive the car without touching the wheel or petals. He carefully climbed out, and headed towards the winch. He pulled out a good length, and made a lasso, before wrangling the Were-Rabbit. He quickly climbed back inside the car, and said, "BLUETOOTH DISCONNECT!!"

Jolt then took over the controls once more, and went to pull in the winch, only for the Were-Rabbit to pull back with much force, and drag the car away.

The Were-Rabbit dragged the van into a bush, where leaves covered up the windshield.

"Oh come on!!" said Jolt, turning on the wipers, "Why can't we just get this thing..... caught...... and........."

Jolt stopped talking when he saw what was going on: the Were-Rabbit was burrowing into the ground!!!

Jolt then went into full reverse, but the beast was much stronger, and pulled the van into the ground!

"No, no, no, nononononononononononononononononononononononononoooooooo!!!!!!! Oh FXXX!"

The van was pulled down, and Jolt turned on the wipers to full power, and he looked out seeing dirt fly all over, and did his best to keep pace. The van bounced all over, and Jolt put the car in neutral, letting the Were-Rabbit pull him.

Above the ground, the dirt lifted up a bit as the beast dug, and pulled some vegetables down under as it went. Then, they approached a greenhouse, filled with carrots, and then, the carrots were pulled down. However, it also made the ground unstable, and made the whole glass house fall into the ground, cutting the line, and making the van stop in it's tracks!

Jolt then wiped the carrots and glass away, and saw the Were-Rabbit had gotten away.

"Mother XXXXXX!" said Jolt, as he hit the wheel. The airbag then hit him, making him yelp, "GAAH!!!"

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