Chapter 2 The Capture of the Rose

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-Ishi's P.O.V.-

It was freezing cold outside from all the wind and rain. Luckily I still had my armor on. My armor was created so it can also stand the cold winters of the land of iron. So I was room temperature about now. I had already done my investigating around the village and found out a thing or two that could be useful on this mission.

The first is it's said Pein lives in the tallest tower here and when someone dies their body is taken to someplace where they meet 'Lady Angel'. I knew already that Pein was the leader of the Akatsuki, and if I was doing my math right, that meant this 'Lady Angel' was actually Konan, she was supposed to be Pein's right hand woman.

I had a lot of information on the Akatsuki because us samurai always keep close tabs on our greatest threats. At this moment the Akatsuki was one of them. I headed to the tower then skillfully snuck into it. Carefully and quietly I went down the halls. I was in luck, it didn't look like anyone was home. That didn't mean I dropped my guard though.

It was just too quiet...If these Akatsuki were so great then why'd I get in so easily?



*****Hours later*****

I groaned waking up. I was such a fool for falling straight into that trap...I was awake but I didn't open my eyes just yet. Surprisingly my body felt...light? I opened my eyes to find all my armor and weapons gone. I was now only in my red T-shirt and black jeans. Oh and did I mention they took my shoes? Because they did.

I was pissed beyond belief! I stood up on the freezing cold cement ground and looked around seeing I was in a cell. The cell didn't have anything in it other than random stacks of hay. Just wonderful...I heard the sound of feet coming into the room and I turned to see some raven haired man open my cell.

I glared at him as I backed away but he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cell.

"Let me go! You will release me or I'll bite you!" I yelled, showing my teeth.

The man didn't say anything. Instead he pulled me to his chest and placed a hand over my mouth, pushing me towards a door. My heart was racing as I was being pushed and I struggled to no limit trying to break free. Finally I was shoved against a wall where my wrists were shackled.

"Good work Itachi, you said she was snooping around?" Some orange haired man asked.


"I see. Girl. What is your name?" The man asked but I didn't say anything. "You will talk or die now."

"...It's Ishi."

"What are you doing here?"

"Where's the samurai's blade, wind cutter?" I said answering his question with another question.

"You think we took your precious sword?"

"Well if you don't then let me go and I'll be on my way."

"It's not that simple. You now know where our hide out is. You'll be kept here as our prisoner until further notice."

"Fuck you! Do you have my blade or not?!"

"We don't." The man said with a sigh. "Why must such things always come to pass?"

"It's god's punishment for being a ginger. Now let me go!"

"Konan, take this girl back to her cell. I must speak with Tobi."


"Understood Pein."

'Pein and Konan? The leaders?' I thought as Konan unshackled me and took me to the cells.

I memorized every hallway we went down so I'd be able to figure out my way around this place when I decide to make my escape. If these punks think they can keep me here then they're sadly mistaken!

-Tobi's P.O.V.-

"Kill her."

"Please Madara there has to be another option. I've been playing the part of your puppet for a long time now."

"And? You can't handle one more little death? She stands in your way of peace. Of OUR way of peace." I said fooling Pein.

What man in his right mind would want peace? Peace is impossible to obtain in a world where shinobi exists.

"She stands in no one's way. She came to claim a sword that was apparently taken from the samurai. She was willing to leave otherwise."

"This girl-

"Ishi." Pein interrupted.

"Ishi...She now knows the Akatsuki's whereabouts. I cannot just simply allow her to be set free."

"Then please allow me to form a plan of her staying here. She may grow to like the Akatsuki and stay with us. Maybe even join us."

This made me want to laugh.

"Ha, a samurai join the Akatsuki? She is not nearly as strong."

"Let her prove her worth. She may even help you with your cover as 'Tobi' without even knowing it."

I stopped and thought for a moment. This could be entertaining...The girl did seem smart if she was able to track us down twice. Maybe Pein was right, maybe she would grow to like the Akatsuki. After awhile of thinking about it I accepted and allowed Pein to come up with his plan.

For her sake, it better be good.


There's chappy 2! A bit short but oh well, next chappy will be longer ^_^

Roses in Chains (A Tobi Love Story) *Dedicated to HellForHavensSake*Where stories live. Discover now