Chapter 1

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I'm not saying all my days were bad, some were great, it just depended on who owned me. Mind you, I don't think anyone ever owned me, my name didn't last me more than 6 months, and it always got changed. Maybe that's why I was an unlucky one, I don't know.

I can still remember my time with my mother, it was some 20 years ago, but a horse never forgets, ever, and my days with mum were some of the best days of my life...

My mum was a gorgeous mare, she was liver chestnut, with a lovely flaxen mane, she was the best mum, you know the sort, not overly strict, protective, and playful. I loved her with all my heart. My friends were amazing, too. I had 4 best mates, Cookie, an Appaloosa filly, Ziggi, a skewbald filly, Dragon, a jet black colt, and Lad, a border collie puppy. Every day we'd play tig, or hide and seek, and sometimes, we'd help Lad chase Quincy, the yard cat. We'd never get in trouble, mainly because my father is the Alpha stallion here, so he's like a king. I'd never really got to know him, just a quick hello over the fence, and that was it. Anyway, I was treated like royalty here, which was great- I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and never stress about getting in trouble! My friends got the benefit of it, too, because, well, they were my friends, and you know the story- You mess with them, you mess with me. I was the leader of my small herd, plus some more, who just wanted the benefit of getting to be my friend.

It was just a normal day, me and my group were playing Cowboys and Indians, and me, Cookie, and Lad were the Indians, when our humans came into our field. They had ropes with them, and I think mother knew what was happening, because she galloped over to me and started hugging me like there was no tomorrow. One of my humans came over and put this fitted rope-thing over my head, and mother almost went crazy, she'd said to me, "No matter what ever happens, stand tall and keep your head up high and proud!" Then the human dragged me away from her. I tried to fight him, I really did, but it was no use. I looked around and saw that the same was happening to all the other foals, and that calmed me, slightly. We were shut in a big shed, and then all the filly's were taken away! Me and Dragon spent the night calling for our mum's, Cookie and Ziggi, but it was no use.

The next morning all us colts (about 20 of us) were hauled onto a trailer, about to be taken to another facility.

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