Chapter 4

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I had no idea where I was going, but I guess I'd find out...

I was pulled out of the lorry and into some weird place. I was put into a fancy stable, and watched my new human get this big fancy carriage polished up. She then got another human to put all these weird things onto me, and then he attached me to the carriage! The lady started whipping me, and I bolted forward, because I was panicking. She whipped me harder, and harder, and I trotted faster and faster. She pulled sharply on the strings attached to my mouth, making me stop suddenly. She wouldn't stop whipping me, and I felt the blood dripping down my side. I then had enough, and reared up, escaping the contact that she had with my mouth, and galloped forward, fast. I could feel her still whipping me, so I suddenly stopped, catching her off-guard, and then galloped forward once again. I swerved suddenly, causing the carriage to tip over, and then crash. The pressure of holding the carriage was realeased, because all of the fancy stuff around my body had snapped off. I galloped away, but was quickly caught by some more humans, and was shut in the stable.

1 year later, and I was still in the same place, but I'd never given in to those people. I was attached to the carriage everyday, but I was never doing anything right, so I was eventually sold.

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