Chapter 9

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I let myself get led off and untacked, then loaded up again..

I wondered if I'd ever find a place to truly call home, but you never know, maybe this old, rotting, dirty run down riding school will be home. I doubt it though.

My stable was dirty and unkempt, with old droppings, dead flies in the water, and moulding hay in a broken net, and they replaced my new, well fitted leather head collar with a tight old mangy one. I was ridden by children from the ages of 8-10, five times everyday for 3 years. These children didn't know how to ride and it was hard work. I worked in endless circles, popping over jumps that didn't reach my knees. Before long, I started to get nappy, and refuse the jumps. The children whipped me, and I got neglected badly. It wasn't long before the riding school got shut down by the animal health department.

So I was again sold on, hopefully to a better place this time...

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