Chapter 8

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We were sold to the same person, a young teenage girl, who loaded us up, and took us to her place...

We were unloaded into a competition yard, and spent 3 years living there, winning competitions galore. I was the best horse, a stunning 10 year old who had a mind of his own. That's what she said, anyway. Every day we'd train, then go for a ride on the beach, it was pure bliss, and I enjoyed the competitions as well. It was competition day, and I had just done an amazing dressage test, and was onto Showjumping. The ground was slippy, and the fences were high, but Showjumping was my speciality. I had cleared the first few jumps with ease, and was onto the treble, which I cleared, and then my human pulled me into the next jump too tightly, not wanting to disappoint her, I heaved myself over, but got my hind leg caught on the pole. I flew forward, my rider fell out of the saddle, and I landed with a sickening thud. I lay there for a few seconds, then got up, shaking all over, and unsteadily wobbled over to my rider, who was out cold. I nuzzled her hair, trying to wake her, but it was no use. I let myself get led off and untacked, then loaded up again.

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